Thursday, March 08, 2012

CLD #535

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Be one with Hashem. Be one with Yourself.
PURIM 5772 SAMEACH! theCLD hopes we all have a wonderful Purim, full of Simcha, Ahavat Israel, Yirat Shamayim and Ma’asim Tovim!
In Megillat Esther there is an unbelievable and inspiring events that happen which show the way a Jew should live.
One of these events is when Mordechai is sitting outside the Palaca of Achashverosh. What happened? Let’s break it down. Haman the Rasha was put to power by Achashverosh. His main goal in life was to eliminate the Jewish people. He almost succeeded. After getting permission from Achashverosh to send out pamphlets with permission to the public to go out and kill Jews, Mordechai quickly hears of the news. Right away the Tzadik walks to the front of the Palace, throws on a sack of dirt and soil and starts weeping and crying to Hashem for mercy on Am Yisrael. A couple days later Haman is invited to the Palace. Achashverosh and Esther are sitting in the Royal Hall and Esther invites only Achashverosh and Haman to a party she is holding. Haman walks out joyfully, but what does he see as he is walking out of the Palace? 
Mordechai crying and weeping and not budging at the site of the Great Haman! What would people do when they saw Haman? Immediately bow down. Mordechai was just focused on his praying to Hashem!
What is that like? Take one of the Gedolei HaDor (Biggest Jewish Leaders in our generation) like Rav Ovadya and imagine if G-d forbid ahmadinejad imach shemo (may his name be erased) was ruler of the entire world. Imagine ahmadinjead has the power to slaughter people left and right (which is probably what he would do if he was dictator). Now imagine Rav Ovadya and the thousands of his students behind him crying in front of the UN. Ahmadinjed walks by expecting huge respect, being the dictator that he is. The Jews do nothing because they believe the only true dictator of the world is Hashem.
The entire Purim story comes down to this very point. When something happens in our lives we always need to turn to Hashem for help, even if it means to completely ignore the most respected person in the entire world. Even if this person is 100% guaranteeing our freedom or our salvation from our problems! We need to constantly push to reach our spiritual potentials, to tell ourselves WE CAN BE CLOSER TO HASHEM and that IT IS EASY! Purim is a time of going above nature, whether it be simcha (happiness) because of the wine drinking or because we are surrounded by fellow Jews, family and friends that love us so much. It is about reaching that level above the normal, above the average thought of thinking there are obstacles between us and Hashem.

Purim is being one with Hashem. We can get there.

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