Monday, February 13, 2012

CLD #510

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
We can get closer to Hashem from the smallest things! B’H if we begin to open our eyes to search for Hashem, we can certainly find Him.
On the subway we see Human Nature from all different types of people. The greatest time to really analyze the world is when the train is stopping. Those 10 seconds of tension and simple curiousity is raised in the entire cart. People are just curious to see what will happen next. During this time, there are usually three or four different type of people who do different things. The first type is the person who immediately gets up and runs to the nearest train door right after the announcement goes off that the train has reached the upcoming station. The second type of people is the one who waits until the train comes to a complete halt before getting up from the seat. There are also some people who are so out of it, that they are in another planet when the train doors open and at the last minute they jump out of the train. Then there are the rare occasion type of train passengers, the ones who are very easy to spot. They are usually on the train just riding it without any direction, any destination. There are just there to be there. They are the ones who completely miss their stop. They are the lost ones.
Judaism is the same exact thing. Am Yisrael is filled with all different types of people: Ashkenaz, Sephardic, Haredi, Secular, Tall, Short, Yemenite, Polish, American, Japanese, and on and on. We are all one interlinked group of people that make up Hashem’s army against the Evil Spiritual Powers in the world. With our Mitzvot and Limud Torah we can reach the ultimate goal of bringing Mashiach to bring this world to completion Be’ezrat Hashem. We need to be the ones on the train of life who make it out to our destination, our station in Avodat Hashem safely with no pressure and no obstacles. In order to do this we need to be in a clear mind and on the right direction that teaches us to become the ideal person we can be.
We can only reach this Yeshuv ha’Da’at with the Torah and the Rabbanim’s (its teachers) guide. B’H we should come to a level of understanding that Hashem brought the Torah ONLY for our benefit. Even if something looks like an extremely negative thing, we need to believe in Hashem that it is all for our own good.

Someone told us something very inspirational that we would like to share with you: Judaism is not a religion of the past, Hashem does not look at us with what we did in the past. This is why Hashem accepts everyone at all present times. We are part of a religion, a life that is based on our goals for the future. Set your goals for the good and you will be part of a life that is all good. Hashem accepts everyone because this second now was last minute’s future (think about it). We need to constantly be in a good mood and surrounded by people with positive attitudes to reach our spiritual potentials. We can all do it.


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