Monday, December 05, 2011

CLD #446

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
When Rabbis tell us (men) in Shiruim (Torah classes) that 1 hour of Gemara is the backbone for success and the overall foundation for Kedusha (purity) in one’s life, they are certainly not joking.
Baruch Hashem I had the zchut to look over a Rashi in Masechet Berachot (2b). The Gemara speaks about the different views of the Chiyuv (obligation) to say Kriyat Shema at nighttime and brings up a piece of learning that says this Chiyuv begins at Tzet HaKochavim, or the emergence of 3 stars (Nightfall). 
The Gemara brings Psukim (verses) from Nechemiah (in Ktuvim-Writings) that teach us the day begins at dawn (and not at sunrise) and ends by Tzet HaKochavim (and not sunset). Because these psukim are from Ktuvim and not from the Torah, these psukim do not stand as solid proof, rather they stand as a mere code (to prove what the day actually means).
Rashi says on this learning (that the psukim are considered as code and not as proof) that the Psukim teach that the day is destroyed (ends) by the Tzet HaKochavim is proof of a Zecher (a remembrance) and not an actual solid proof.
What jumps to the average reader in this Rashi?! The fact that Rashi says the day is destroyed after Tzet HaKochavim (Nightfall).
I think we can say from here that Rashi is giving Am Yisrael very tough Mussar (rebuke) to fix our actions. Rashi is telling us DO NOT WASTE TIME. Run after the Truth and the Emet of life and this world and find what is BEST FOR YOU! Wherever we are spiritually, we need to constantly tell ourselves: push for your spiritual potential!
Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof, Justice Justice Chase.
Tzidkatcha Tzedek Le’Olan VeToratcha Emet, Your (Hashem) Justice is Justice forever and your Torah is TRUTH!
What is the Truth? The Torah and its ways. What is Rashi telling us?
A life without a basic foundation of Torah is a life of Injustice and falsity!

At the same time we need to understand that everything is in the hands of Hashem. So what does that mean? Whatever is in my control I need to put as much effort as I can, and then let Hashem do the rest. It is like sending out mail. I put the effort of putting the letter in the envelope with the correct stamp in the correct mailbox and Hashem controls whether it gets to the correct party.

B’H we should strive for a life filled with Kdusha (purity) and Emet (truth), because that is the only way we will succeed in anything we do.


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