Wednesday, November 30, 2011

CLD #442

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
We can learn about every action throughout our day to help us get closer to Hashem. What can we learn from Laundry?
The question is what can’t we learn from Laundry?!
We are all normal human beings in a large evolving and advanced society. This means we need to interact with the outside (non-Jewish) world. When we go about our day we accidentally see or get in contact with immodest/impure things such as advertisements for immodest clothing or even sitting next to the opposite sex on the train/bus/subway.
These little examples are some of many that we go through to pick up impure stains on our spiritual dashboard.
What do we need to do in order to understand the world that Hashem wants us to live in (the world of the Torah HaKdosha)?
To get these impure stains off us and then we will connect easier to Hashem. So in fact it is all inter-related.
Laundry is a physical act of what we all need to do spiritually.
How we take off these spiritual stains? We do all the actions/good-deeds and overall Mitzvot to reach higher levels of Kdusha. This includes Tefilah, the Shmoneh Esreh, which gives us the ability to change.
Rav Shlomo Pinto shlit’a says that Tefillah, the Amida, even though it seems like we are saying and doing the same thing everyday three times a day, we are in fact in a different spiritual level after each Tefillah!
We need to know that we are completely different people then we were before the Tefillah and the Tefillah has the power to take out these spiritual stains that have stuck to us from the impurity of our societies.

B’H we should understand that the level of our Kdusha is completely in our own hands. Also today there is no excuse, the entire Torah is now on your mobile device (App=Uvlechtecha BaDerech)! Baruch Shelo Asani Goy!

Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester & Israel Ben Rivka.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. One is obligated to stand up for Kibud Av Ve’Em (the respect of their parents) from the time he/she sees them. This distance is approximately 420 feet. One should stand fully for their parents. One should not sit back down until their parents sit down or stand in their place (where they usually sit) or until he/she does not see them anymore in the far distance or if they go into another room/location.

2. Also one who is sitting on the bus and his/her parents boarded the bus the son/daughter has to stand fully erect until they sit. If there is no empty seat on the bus, because the son/daughter cannot sit until the parent has found a seat, he/she must offer their seat to the parent.

Want these Halachot to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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Monday, November 28, 2011

CLD #441

For the Ilui Neshama of Shmuel Eliyahu ben Chana and Avraham (his hazkara is tonight). For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara, Binyamin ben Blanka & Avraham ben Sarah (just got diagnosed with cancer).

We really do not appreciate or comprehend how powerful and spiritually enormous our Neshama (soul) is. The Nefesh Shimshon goes into more detail:
The foundation of Judaism is Shemah Yisrael Hashem Elokenu Hashem Echad. Listen Israel Hashed our G-d is ONE. One means that all that there is in this world, everything from rocks to horses to edamame to unicellular organisms, the millions of billions of creatures are all connected to a spiritual power.
But before we get into that, we need to know that the kindness of Hashem is everlasting. That the exact features of each creature (including you) are given for a purpose DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM HIMSELF! There is so much care and kindness from Hashem, so much health, money, food and basic necessities given to us that show that there is no creature left uncared for. So how can we connect this with the spiritual power?
Just like we know and see that each creature is taken care of, so too we can understand that each human body is given energy, power and fuel to operate from its spiritual source: the NESHAMA (soul). There are those who say: in the end of the day the body does what it wants and needs and that’s all there is to it. FALSE!
We need to know and stick this in our heads good: The NESHAMA is what keeps our bodies going.

B’H we should find what is best for our Neshama to continue operating our body the way it should operate it, by doing acts of Chessed, Mitzvot, general Ma’asim Tovim, and most importantly the highest way to connect with Hashem: Limud Torah (learning).

Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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For the Ilui Neshama of Shmuel Eliyahu ben Chana and Avraham, Avraham ben Ester & Israel ben Rivka. For the Refua Shlema of Avraham ben Sarah (just got diagnosed with cancer).
Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. One who G-d forbid sees his friend drowning or is in harms way and he/she can save the friend; if he/she does not save them, then they are violating a Mitzvah from the Torah, Lo Ta’amod Al Dam Reacha. Even if a man sees a woman drowning, this man is NOT allowed to look away and is obligated to save her life in whatever way possible. If this person is being stringent upon himself not to get into Kdusha issues, he is looked as a crazy stringent person and is violating the same Mitzvah as written on top. All this is when this is happening randomly, which means one may absolutely not work as a lifeguard by a pool or a beach where women are swimming (whether it’s a women’s only beach or public mixed scene).

2. One is not even allowed to look at a woman’s pinky if its for the intention of opposite-gender pleasure. If the man is looking at the woman not for the intentions of pleasure but because she is in front of him (B’Akrai B’Alma), then there is no prohibition being violated from Halacha.

Want these Halachot to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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CLD #440

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
Hashem is always with us. If this is true, why do we have such troubles getting closer to Him and sacrificing for the truth?!
Let’s get some Chizuk from this week’s Parasha, Parashat VeYetzeh. This Parasha is all about Yaakov Avinu leaving (really running away from his brother Esav who wants to kill him) everything behind to go find a wife in Cna’an (where his mother, Rivka Emanu came from).
Rashi explains from Perek Kaf Tet Pasuk Aleph “Noseh Libo Et Raglav,” (Bereshit 29:1) that Yaakov’s heart lifted his feet. What does this mean?
Rashi says that from Yaakov Avinu’s belief in Hashem’s protection in him, Yaakov’s feet had the ability to be as-if off the ground causing it to be so easy to walk to do Mitzvot. The book Alenu LeShabeach explains that only after Yaakov Avinu had Hashem speak to him and explain that Hashem is with him wherever he goes did Yaakov have the attitude of running after Avodat Hashem. It became “easy to go” once the Simcha (happiness) filled his heart from hearing that Hashem will have Bitachon over him (assured protection). 
The author of Alenu Leshabeach continues to say how we can see a proof from our day that one who is in real Simcha that takes over his/her heart does actions and gets things accomplished much quicker and without any hassles than one who is not in Simcha.
The Torah does not tell us this information to show us who our great grandfather was, rather to TELL US how to act when we are going to do Mitzvot. For example, the Torah HaKdosha PROMISES when one does Mitzvot of Kibud Av Ve’Em (Respecting and Fearing one’s Parents) he/she receives a longer life! So obviously, when we go make a cup of tea for our father or grab the make up bag from our mother’s dresser, we should have the intention of doing it with ease and in a speedy mode because we have the ASSURED PROMISE in our HEART that Hashem gives us a longer life for this specific act.
B’H we should all reach the VERY HIGH (but VERY POSSIBLE) level of Libo Noseh Et Raglav where we believe that Hashem’s Torah is 100% true and is a reality today in our society.


Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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Sunday, November 27, 2011


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester & Israel Ben Rivka.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. Its  an accepted minhag (custom) to check one’s Tefillin every year in the month of Elul (the month before Rosh HaShanah). However, from Halacha (basic Jewish law), one does not need to check his Tefillin even after many years if they checked it after the scrolls inside where first written by an expert Sofer Sta”m (Tefillin/Mezuzah writer). If one only puts on Tefillin once in a while, and for a long time they were sitting in one’s closet, he needs to check them to see there condition every three and a half years.

2. Whoever forgot to put on Tefillin one day should do Teshuva (repentance) on Bitul Mitzvah (not accomplishing a Mitzvah) and it is suggested one should check their Tefillin. It is also recommended to put on Tefillin of Rabenu Tam (a different type of Tefillin that is usually worn after marriage) and to learn with them Torah after Tefillah and give as much Tzedaka as they can.

Want these Halachot to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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Saturday, November 26, 2011


The Yetzer Hara (Evil Inclination) tells us to do everything BUTTT get closer to G-d. At first it looks like the best decision! But only after he already got you to try whatever it is, only then we see how bad it really is. 

B'H we should all find what is best for us, not only because thats what my friend is telling me is good.


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CLD #439

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester & the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara.
The only night out of the entire week that we extend the Arvit (Evening) Tefillah is Motzei Shabbat (Saturday night). We add in an entire section to the Tefillah which we say everyday after the Amida in Shacharit.
What is in this Tefillah that makes it so PERFECT to be said on Motzei Shabbat?
First we need to know a key factor of Shabbat Kodesh before we speak about Motzei Shabbat.
We say in the Tefillah of Shabbat that Hashem brings a type of Menucha into the world on Shabbat Kodesh, a type of tranquility and sense of calmness. This means that there is no type of spiritual force to bring any type of bad into the world!!!
So what happens on Motzei Shabbat, the Shabbat ‘bottle cap’ is taken off the world and then this shield of goodness is taken away. All the Negative spiritual forces that were not allowed to enter the world now zoom into each and every one’s community/home/room/country.
This is the most sensitive time for someone to lose all the spirituality gained from Shabbat. Isn’t it a coincidence that the biggest Party night (that leads to the not-so-Kosher events) is Motzei Shabbat?!

Anyway, what do we say in the Tefillah of Motzei Shabbat after the Amida of Arvit?
We say thank you Hashem for giving us the Torah and having the Emunah Temima (Simple Faith) in our genes! Then we say how Hashem puts in our hearts the will to live a life based on the Torah and to always depend on Him even in the hardest times.

This Tefillah now makes total sense why it is said after Arvit of Motzei Shabbat. All the spiritual forces are entering the world to harm us and confuse us with what we should do! We pray that Hashem should protect us from them and direct us to the happiest form of living and celebrating happy occasions with our loved ones.


Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester.
From Yalkut Yosef:

1. If someone that does not keep Torah and Mitzvot wants to borrow Tefillin, the owner of the Tefillim should lend them immediately. Even if the person who wants to borrow the Tefillin is a Rasha (wicked person) and is filled with Averot (sins) the owner should lend the Tefillin. The owner also has the zchut (privelige) to have another Jew gain an important Mitzvah and say a Beracha (blessing “Al HaNachat Tefillin).

2. The reward of someone putting on Tefillin is very big. Besides the fact that the reward is everlasting (influences the ‘Mitzvah scale’ for the Olam Haba as well), it also influences one life in Olam Haze (this world), meaning one’s life is lengthened with Hanachat Tefillin. Whoever puts on Tefillin with Tzitzit and says Kriyat Shma and the Amida (Shmoneh Esreh) is promised to have a place in Olam Haba, and the fires of Gehinom do not touch him AND all his sins are erased.


Want these Halachot to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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-Ya'ale VeYavo
 -Chatzi Hallel
-Kriyat HaTorah

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A nice and upbeat video clip :D. Enjoy!

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Friday, November 25, 2011

CLD #438

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester & the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara.
Never complain.
In our Parasha, Parashat Toldot, Rivka Emainu gets pregnant after 20 years of being unable to get pregnant! When Hashem gave her the gift of pregnancy, in Ruach HaKodesh (divine capability of holy spirit) Rivka saw that she had twins. The famous Midrash explains that when Rivka walked by a place of Avodah Zara (Idolatry), one twin, Esav, would kick and move and make trouble in the womb in excitement. Whenever Rivka would walk by a Bet Midrash or any other house of worship, Yaakov Avinu, the father of the 12 Shvatim would jump and kick and move in excitement.
Rivka saw this and she also knew in Ruach HaKodesh that she needs to give birth to the 12 Shvatim (tribes) of Am Yisrael which will be the foundation of the Jewish Nation.
The 12 Shvatim is not just twelve children. Its 12 Yesodot, 12 key roots in our nation’s being, with each one brought into the world for a specific purpose. We need to understand that to bring the 12 Shvatim to this world to continue Am Yisrael’s being is a HUGE zchut (privilege).
What does Rivka say when she goes through these ‘excitements’ by the two fetuses? “How can I deal with having 12 kids if one is already moving forward to the Avodah Zara?!?!?!” But where do we see this in the Torah? Rivka says: “…VaTomer Im Ken Lama Zeh Anochi…” (Bereshit 25:22), “…If it be so, why am I like this?...” The word Zeh, which means “this” has a Gematriya of 12. This 12 represents the 12 Shvatim that was supposed to come from Yitzchak and Rivka.
We can also see this when Hashem answers Rivka by saying she has Teomim, twins in her womb. However, Hashem writes in the Torah the word Teomim without the Yud and the Aleph (Teomim is spelled: Tav, Aleph, Vav, Mem, Yud, Mim). Yud and Alpeh together in Gematriya is 11, which represents the 11 other Shvatim that should of came from Rivka (the first one being Yaakov).

At the same time we should know that today’s complaining and when we say Rivka “complained” is not the same at all. Rivka had Ruach HaKodesh and is one of the Imahot (mothers) of Am Yisrael! There is no chance that someone as powerful as Rivka can be even compared to the biggest spiritual and religious figures of today!

B’H we should all have the koach (strength) to see the good in everything and enjoy life in the way of the Torah! Appreciation is Judaism.


Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester.
From Ve’En Lamo Michshol:

1. Kvod HaShabbat (to respect the Shabbat) means to come to the Shabbat table Shabbat night with a big appetite. Therefore, Chachamim (the Sages) made it forbidden for one to make a Seuda (meal) on Friday afternoon that is abnormal (one that you would not have on a regular afternoon). After 9 and a half Sha’ot Zmaniyot (‘Jewish hours’) on Friday one should not eat a full meal, meaning for today after 3:12pm one cannot eat a full meal. This is held for one to be hungry for the Shabbat meal. If one is used to having a big meal during this time, they should avoid having one Lichvod Shabbat Kodesh.

2. With the sweat that one has on Erev Shabbat (Friday) to prepare for Shabbat, Hashem takes it to erase one’s sins, the same goes for tears of Teshuva (Repentance). Therefore, one should not be lazy in the preparation of Shabbat Kodesh. On everything one does Lichvod Shabbat (for the preparation of Shabbat) they should say out loud: “Lichvod Shabbat Kodesh.


Want these Halachot to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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CLD #437

A real Eved Hashem, a real Jew: David HaMelech.
David HaMelech gave up everything for Hashem. He put his life on the line always to try to get closer to Hashem and feel G-d's presence in every action the great David HaMelech took!
Being a role model for each and everyone of us, we should try to be more like David HaMelech, to look at the big picture of life and the entire direction of Am Yisrael instead of looking at our own individual needs and desires. What is an example of this?
In Tehillim, which was written by David HaMelech, there is a remarkable Pasuk (verse) in Perek 122 that shows the power of David HaMelech, which rested in his Anava (modesty).
"Samachti Be'Omrim Li Bet Hashem Nelech" > "...I rejoiced when they said to me, "Let us go to the House of the Lord (Beit HaMikdash)." 
What does this mean?

Rashi explains: All of Am Yisrael knew that Shlomo, David's son, was supposed to be the one who will build the First Beit HaMikdash. Now being at an old age, people were craving the feeling of being closer to Hashem constantly, so they were waiting for the day of Shlomo's reign to begin and the 'grand opening' of the Holiest Structure the world will ever see: the Beit HaMikdash!

Another tip: all of Am Yisrael knew that this would only occure when the reign will be solely in the hands of Shlomo. This means that David would have had to die!

David HaMelech, the author of Tehillim, writes that he is HAPPY, REJOICED when people say "Let us go to the Bet HaMikdash!" David HaMelech says: What is more important for me: my life or the happiness and spiritual level of the entire nation?! Obviously the spirituality of the entire Am. Therefore he REJOICES when he hears people in public complain about him being alive.

As long as the internal spiritual spark in our hearts and souls is still activated we know the world is being taken in a positive direction.

B'H we should have the zchut to be in the days of Mashiach, where all Am Yisrael will reach their spiritual levels and be rejoiced with the closeness of Hashem!


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Thursday, November 24, 2011


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester & Israel Ben Rivka.

Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. One who finds a lost object that belongs to someone has to take care of it and return it to the owner. If one found any lost bills (cash value) they can keep it for themselves and it is considered the property of the one who found it. This is because the person who lost the object on average checks their pockets frequently and has given up on finding the lost bills. Also since there is no sign that the bills belong to anyone specifically this makes it even easier to prove that the bills belong to the founder.

2. An object that belonged to a non-Jew, from the core of Halacha (law), is allowed to be owned when it is considered a lost object. There is also no Mitzvah to give back the lost object. If one wants to return the lost object to Lekadesh Shem Shamayim (put a good name for Hashem), so the non-Jew will praise Am Yisrael for being faithful people, he/she should be praised. If not returning the object will cause Chillul Hashem (a desecration of G-d's name), for example if the object was lost in a Jewish neighborhood and the non-Jew might think it was stolen by a Jew, then it is a Mitzvah (commandment) to return the lost object to the non-Jew to prevent Chillul Hashem.


Want these Halachot to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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CLD #436

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
The Navi has endless Chizuk. Let’s share it with you!
Shoftim Perek Vav Pasuk Bet (Judges 6:2) says that Am Yisrael were the foundation builders of the outline of their time. Meaning Am Yisrael created the dens and strongholds of the cities and villages they were living in during the time of Midyan’s rule over them. Even though Am Yisrael were bowing down to Idols and straying away from Hashem (they did this because they had the huge urge, just like we have today for sexual immorality), they still have the intellectual power to rule over the land and help advance the technologies and community systems throughout their time.
This is not only true in the time of the Shoftim, which was roughly 3000 years ago. It is also true today. Being only 0.02% of the world’s population, the Jewish nation conquers almost 20% of all Nobel Peace Prizes. This is a staggering percentage that shows our genes are not something that is like everybody else. Rather, we are on a more elevated stature in spirituality, which affects our intellectual state in the world.
We have the turbo boost because of our privilege to be part of Hashem’s nation.

We do not appreciate what it means to have a Neshama. We all think we need to chill and just live life without pushing ourselves too much and quiet down in regards to pushing other people to reach their potentials. But this is WRONG. We all need to help eachother out to succeed, and not only in the financial realm but most importantly in the spiritual realm and complete our life they way it should be completed: through religious accomplishment and overall spiritual satisfaction.

Where does happiness stem from? From the ability to make our Neshama, our soul, happy, by feeding it Torah and Ma’asim Tovim (good deeds such as Chessed and Tzedaka), which then transforms into an innate happiness to light up from within.

B’H we should realize that ‘thanksgiving’ is not a one-day thing like for the Goyim, rather its something we need to practice constantly. Thanking Hashem for everything we have is a foundation of the belief system that is in our blood.

Thank you Hashem for showing us the Goyim’s thanksgiving to help push us thank you for the constant protection you have for us!

Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester & Israel Ben Rivka.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. If one ate enough of food or drank enough of a drink to be obligated in saying Beracha Achrona (the blessing said after food/drink), which is when one drinks 86 grams (3 ounces) in one shot of a drink or eating 27 grams of any food in less than 7 minutes. If suddenly this person needs to use the restroom there is an order of saying the Berachot they are now obligated to say (Beracha Achrona for the food and/or drink and Birkat Asher Yatzar for the bathroom). If they were eating bread with the Beracha Achrona of Birkat HaMazon, they should say Birkat HaMazon first and then Asher Yaztar. If they were eating cake or anything with the Beracha Achrona of Al HaMichya, they should say Al HaMichya first and then Asher Yatzar. If they ate/drank something with the Beracha Achrona of Boreh Nefashot, then they should say Asher Yatzar first and then Boreh Nefashot. HOWEVER for all these cases, if one has a suspicion that they will forget to say the Beracha of Asher Yatzar after saying the Beracha Achrona on the food/drink, then they should say Asher Yatzar beforehand.

2. One who eats food that has the Beracha of Mezonot with coffee or tea must say the Beracha (Shehakol) on the beverage as well and it is not true to say that the Beracha of Mezonot makes one exempt from saying the beracha on tea and coffee. Only when one says HaMotzi for bread is exempt from saying Shehakol on a beverage. Its best to say the Beracha of Shehakol on the beverage and then the Beracha of Mezonot on the cake/food.

Want these Halachot to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

CLD #435

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
If anyone ever has difficulty in Emunah (faith in Hashem), they should just turn to Shoftim Perek Hei (Judges Chapter 5) and learn Shirat Devorah with Mepharshim (Commentary). The Shira is extremely powerful to show someone the Hashgacha (protection) that Hashem has over Am Yisrael!
Anyway, besides the really powerful Song that Devorah and Barak sing together to say Thanks to Hashem, the end of the Shira struck me the most.
I was in absolute shock actually.
The story of Devorah the Shofetet goes something like this: Am Yisrael continued to do Ra, evil, in Hashem’s eyes. They steered away from the Derech Hashem and Kdusha. After having Melech Yavin, from Cna’an, put all types of pressures upon the entire nation (for 20 years, considering he had the toughest and strongest army and weaponry at the time), Am Yisrael looked up to Shamayim and prayed their hearts out.
Hashem sent the Shofetet/Prophetess Devorah to save them with her Ruach HaKodesh (Divine powers that gave her the ability to speak to Hashem). So after a war of Am Yisrael completely ripping up Cna’an and their vast army (all based on amazing miracles such as the waters of the spring near the battlefield “ate” the enemy, even in the valley where it is most difficult to fight the Israeli army won, and the fact that the Israeli army was tiny next to the vast army of Can’an that took 20 years to build), Sisra, the general was the only one left alive. He ran away and Yael brought him into her tent, making him feel safe. After tucking him to bed she killed him in his sleep.
But what is most shocking is the tiny 3-Psukim-story (revealed by the Navi in 3 verses) about the MOTHER OF SISRA. She was in the huge palace of her son, the general of the kingdom that ruled the land for 20 YEARS!
She wails and weeps about her son not showing up with the entire army. Where did they go? Why is my son not here yet with the spoils of war?!?!
What do her maidservants, those wicked wicked women, tell her? Rashi explains that they tried to console her and calm her down. After all, she was the mother of the great Sisra, the general of the strongest army!

They tell the mother of Sisra: DON’T WORRY, the soldiers are probably busy collecting the spoils of war, looking for the most expensive suits and outfits to give to your son the general, AND ONE MORE THING: EACH SOLDIER IS BUSY WITH HIS OWN BAT-YISRAEL THAT HE IS BUSY RAPING! Please look it up Shoftim 5:30.

How disgusting!!!! When they are trying to calm a mother down, after realizing that her son was savagely murdered by the weakest nation in the world at the time (what a disgrace for such a man like Sisra), they tell her that he is busy raping a Bat Yisrael, a holy woman that carries the future of Hashem’s nation.

People always ask: what is the problem with marrying out, marrying a Goya? They are human just like us, they have morals and values. But what they do not realize is that the entire problems and issues the entire Jewish nation is caused because of these ridiculous leniencies.

The difference between a Goy and a Jew is all over the entire Tanakh, Gemara, Mishnah and Books of Hashkafa. If you do not see the difference you are VERY far away from what the essence of a Jew is all about. This doesn’t mean we should go G-d forbid kill non-Jews, this just teaches that there is a virtual DISTANCE we need to keep away from the other nations, with all due respect (seriously).

Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester & Israel Ben Rivka.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. When one puts on his/her shoes, they should first put on the right shoe and leave it untied. Then they should put on their left shoe and tie the left one. Only after finishing tying the left shoe one should then tie the right shoe. We tie the left shoe first because the Torah gave “the left” in general more power because we tie Tefillin on our bodies using the left arm. There are those who say its to control the Yetzer (Evil Inclination), which is represented by the “left.” When one takes off his/her shoes, they should take off the left one first.

2. A lefty who ties his Tefillin on his right hand, does not need to switch the order of putting on and taking off shoes, rather they shoes put on and take off shoes like everyone else. However one who prefers to use his/her right leg and right arm or only right leg-ed; should put on and tie his right shoe first.

Want these Halachot to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

CLD #434

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
Hashem loves us so much that even after we G-d forbid go out of our away to chase after our desires (that are against the Torah), He still accepts our Teshuva (repentance)! Which boss or teacher would accept an employee after revelaing secrets of the company to the competition? Which friend would forgive to a person who caused his girlfriend to leave him? Where is there a person who will take Mussar (rebuke) as a positive thing in life?
Hashem is the only one that has 100% FULL Rachamim (mercy) on us, His nation, His children: Am Yisrael. Where do we see an example of this? With the story of Yael and Sisra.
In Shoftim (Judges) Perek Dalet (4th chapter) the Prophetess Devorah tells Barak to attack the Kingdom that was overruling the Jews for 20 years. They had 20 years of pain, suffering and cursing (kind of like what ahmadinejad does now in Iran with all the speeches cursing Israel). The Navi explains that Sisra went from being a general in a vast army of strong soldiers with powerful metal weapons of war to desperately in need for a place to hide from Israel’s army. Even before this Devorah told Barak (when the army was on top of the mountain/hill) to descend the mountain and they will still win the war with Sisra and his vast army! 
So what ended up happening with Sisra? Yael saw Sisra running away from the battlefield where Devorah and Balak were killing all the soldiers that were left from Sisra’s army. Yael invited Sisra into her tent, and let him sip milk before tucking him into bed. Yael took the spear/pole that held up her and her husband’s tent and stabbed Sisra in the face all the way into the ground (when he was fast asleep). This symbolizes the Jew’s ability to kill the Yetzer Hara is really in his/her OWN HANDS.
What else does this show us? Because of the Tefillah (prayer) of Am Yisrael begging Hashem for a Yeshuah, redemption; Hashem sent them Devorah (the prophetess) to instruct them how to kill the enemy of Israel and live in peace. Look how much a single Tefillah can do.

Our own personal remeption (from whatever suffering and pain we are currently going through) is so close to us. Unfortunately, we do not believe in ourselves enough to reach the level of confidence to know that Hashem listens to us ALL THE TIME. Once we will believe our Prayer is heard, then we will see the Yeshuah (redemption) in front of our eyes.

B’H we should all receive an intense boost of Emunah in Hashem ASAP!

Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester & Israel Ben Rivka.
Translated from Ve’En Lamo Michshol:

1. When a Chacham (Rabbi, Talmid Chacham, etc.) is saying  a Dvar Torah, like in between Mincha and Arvit (which is normal in our day), one should pay attention to his words with respect and great care. It is not Derech Eretz to have an open book before you or chat with a friend on the side during this time. And even more so if these actions might cause the Talmid Chacham to get offended. And for sure one should not leave the Bet Knesset during this time to speak with others and/or smoke cigarettes.

2. When someone is walking down the street, it is not Derech Eretz to have his eyes wander around, because one should be suspicious that immodestly dressed women are walking by and it seems like this person wants to look at them. It shows a lack of Derech Eretz and Tzniyut (modesty) when one does this, therefore one should explain to these people to refrain from acting this way.

Want these Halachot to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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