Monday, November 28, 2011

CLD #440

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
Hashem is always with us. If this is true, why do we have such troubles getting closer to Him and sacrificing for the truth?!
Let’s get some Chizuk from this week’s Parasha, Parashat VeYetzeh. This Parasha is all about Yaakov Avinu leaving (really running away from his brother Esav who wants to kill him) everything behind to go find a wife in Cna’an (where his mother, Rivka Emanu came from).
Rashi explains from Perek Kaf Tet Pasuk Aleph “Noseh Libo Et Raglav,” (Bereshit 29:1) that Yaakov’s heart lifted his feet. What does this mean?
Rashi says that from Yaakov Avinu’s belief in Hashem’s protection in him, Yaakov’s feet had the ability to be as-if off the ground causing it to be so easy to walk to do Mitzvot. The book Alenu LeShabeach explains that only after Yaakov Avinu had Hashem speak to him and explain that Hashem is with him wherever he goes did Yaakov have the attitude of running after Avodat Hashem. It became “easy to go” once the Simcha (happiness) filled his heart from hearing that Hashem will have Bitachon over him (assured protection). 
The author of Alenu Leshabeach continues to say how we can see a proof from our day that one who is in real Simcha that takes over his/her heart does actions and gets things accomplished much quicker and without any hassles than one who is not in Simcha.
The Torah does not tell us this information to show us who our great grandfather was, rather to TELL US how to act when we are going to do Mitzvot. For example, the Torah HaKdosha PROMISES when one does Mitzvot of Kibud Av Ve’Em (Respecting and Fearing one’s Parents) he/she receives a longer life! So obviously, when we go make a cup of tea for our father or grab the make up bag from our mother’s dresser, we should have the intention of doing it with ease and in a speedy mode because we have the ASSURED PROMISE in our HEART that Hashem gives us a longer life for this specific act.
B’H we should all reach the VERY HIGH (but VERY POSSIBLE) level of Libo Noseh Et Raglav where we believe that Hashem’s Torah is 100% true and is a reality today in our society.


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