Friday, November 25, 2011

CLD #437

A real Eved Hashem, a real Jew: David HaMelech.
David HaMelech gave up everything for Hashem. He put his life on the line always to try to get closer to Hashem and feel G-d's presence in every action the great David HaMelech took!
Being a role model for each and everyone of us, we should try to be more like David HaMelech, to look at the big picture of life and the entire direction of Am Yisrael instead of looking at our own individual needs and desires. What is an example of this?
In Tehillim, which was written by David HaMelech, there is a remarkable Pasuk (verse) in Perek 122 that shows the power of David HaMelech, which rested in his Anava (modesty).
"Samachti Be'Omrim Li Bet Hashem Nelech" > "...I rejoiced when they said to me, "Let us go to the House of the Lord (Beit HaMikdash)." 
What does this mean?

Rashi explains: All of Am Yisrael knew that Shlomo, David's son, was supposed to be the one who will build the First Beit HaMikdash. Now being at an old age, people were craving the feeling of being closer to Hashem constantly, so they were waiting for the day of Shlomo's reign to begin and the 'grand opening' of the Holiest Structure the world will ever see: the Beit HaMikdash!

Another tip: all of Am Yisrael knew that this would only occure when the reign will be solely in the hands of Shlomo. This means that David would have had to die!

David HaMelech, the author of Tehillim, writes that he is HAPPY, REJOICED when people say "Let us go to the Bet HaMikdash!" David HaMelech says: What is more important for me: my life or the happiness and spiritual level of the entire nation?! Obviously the spirituality of the entire Am. Therefore he REJOICES when he hears people in public complain about him being alive.

As long as the internal spiritual spark in our hearts and souls is still activated we know the world is being taken in a positive direction.

B'H we should have the zchut to be in the days of Mashiach, where all Am Yisrael will reach their spiritual levels and be rejoiced with the closeness of Hashem!


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