Wednesday, November 30, 2011

CLD #442

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
We can learn about every action throughout our day to help us get closer to Hashem. What can we learn from Laundry?
The question is what can’t we learn from Laundry?!
We are all normal human beings in a large evolving and advanced society. This means we need to interact with the outside (non-Jewish) world. When we go about our day we accidentally see or get in contact with immodest/impure things such as advertisements for immodest clothing or even sitting next to the opposite sex on the train/bus/subway.
These little examples are some of many that we go through to pick up impure stains on our spiritual dashboard.
What do we need to do in order to understand the world that Hashem wants us to live in (the world of the Torah HaKdosha)?
To get these impure stains off us and then we will connect easier to Hashem. So in fact it is all inter-related.
Laundry is a physical act of what we all need to do spiritually.
How we take off these spiritual stains? We do all the actions/good-deeds and overall Mitzvot to reach higher levels of Kdusha. This includes Tefilah, the Shmoneh Esreh, which gives us the ability to change.
Rav Shlomo Pinto shlit’a says that Tefillah, the Amida, even though it seems like we are saying and doing the same thing everyday three times a day, we are in fact in a different spiritual level after each Tefillah!
We need to know that we are completely different people then we were before the Tefillah and the Tefillah has the power to take out these spiritual stains that have stuck to us from the impurity of our societies.

B’H we should understand that the level of our Kdusha is completely in our own hands. Also today there is no excuse, the entire Torah is now on your mobile device (App=Uvlechtecha BaDerech)! Baruch Shelo Asani Goy!

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