Saturday, June 11, 2011

CLD #291

SHAVUA TOV! We know from every Sefer Torah that the Torah was given without any punctuation, no ta'amim (symbols representing sounds), no vowels, etc. What can we learn from this? (Maybe) That Hashem wants us to sit down and learn the Torah, how to read it with the right punctuation, symbols, etc. 
This teaches us to accept the fact that we are not perfect and we need to strive to gain wordly scholarly knowledge to fill up ourselves with Torah. We are born as empty vessels that are needed to be filled. In order for us to fill up this vessel (our bodies), we need to make the vessels complete and in tact first. In order to do that we need to understand we are not perfect and we all have certain Midot (characteristic traits) that we need to strive to perfect! 
In the Parasha we read this morning, we see that not even the biggest Tzadkkim and Tzadkaniyot of all time were perfect. Miriam said Lashon Hara (even though it was nothing bad and not intended as anything negative) about Moshe Rabbeinu. When Hashem Himself came down to scold her and Aharon for this act, she immediately received leprosy and the entire nation (over 3 million people) waited for her 7 days until she became pure to continue their journey. If it was our generation lehavdeel, everyone would complain and yell about this punishment! What does this teach us? That Miriam accepted the leprosy with happiness, she accepted it with full Emunah, belief in G-d that everything is for the best!

B'H Just like we see with our own eyes today that we need to push ourselves to delve into the Learning of the Torah HaKdosha, so too we need to realize that we are not perfect and constantly need to improve!

SHAVUA TOV. B'H a SHAVUA filled with Simcha and Kdusha :D.

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