Thursday, May 26, 2011

CLD #277

There is a big Yetzer Hara today to challenge all things related to Torah, especially things that we love to analyze. The little things. Such as Halachot regarding Derech Eretz, or little things like not kissing/touching your aunt. Today for the Halachot of the day we spoke about drinking water by drinking out of a cup and not out of the bottle itself to do things with Derech Eretz.
People who are usually bothered by the little things that Judaism throws at them attack these types of halachot and say "What's the difference of drinking out of a cup or out of the bottle" or "How does it change my life" or "Why should I care?" Hashem Yerachem.
The desensitization of America has swept the Jewish identity, the Jewish people, the Jewish hearts, the Neshamot of Am Yisrael! We need to know that in our foundations, our inner selves are all about purity and running after the kdusha and Dvikut B'Hashem! When someone reaches even the lowest level of the Kdusha he/she realizes that the tiniest things are what makes the difference of a person who is Yere Shamayim!
For example, someone wakes up in the middle of the night, craving a glass of ice cold water! All of a sudden he realizes that in order to say the bracha for the water, he has to run into the bathroom, do netillat yadayim and then dry his hands and say the bracha. Or one can simply just wipe his hands on his shirt and then drink the water.
These little things are what makes the difference. When we throw away our "sechel" and just simply go with the flow, then we reach a level of understanding the beauty behind the sensitivity of the Torah HaKdosha.
B'H Shavuot is soon so we will start discussing concepts of Yom Tov and Kabbalat HaTorah.
B'H we will have the zchut to enjoy and celebrate the Creator of this world by doing Oneg Shabat and accepting Shabat Kodesh in 2 days :D.

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