Monday, May 16, 2011

CLD #268

How can we understand the fact that Hashem loves all of us and simply ONLY wants to help us and give us good and do us good?
What can we use to help explain to ourselves the FACT that there is an unlimited amount of SHEFA (positive spiritual power) waiting to be thrown at us?!?!
Candy Dispensers! 
Hashem is always The One who wants to dispense for us Shefa, love, beauty, health, happiness, parnasa, and just all around KOACH (strength) to continue living in this dark world. 
The fact that we do not do nearly anything to deserve our health, our happiness, our overall satisfaction with life and STILL receive s all this is incredible. Imagine being a father to children who do not do anything for the father. He provides them with food, with love, with shelter, with clothing, with money, with a car, with electronics, with bedding, with school supplies, with education, with shul membership, with vacations, with teen tours, with candy, etc etc...! How much more does Hashem give us?!?! Hashem provides us with CONSTANT security, with CONSTANT health, CONSTANTLY making our Hearts Beat, and on and on. The only way we will get the Extra's in life is with TORAH & MITZVOT.
"VeHagita Bo Yomam VaLayla." "Etz Chaim El HaMachazikim Ba." "Beshivtecha BeVetecha." "Kdoshim Tehiyu Ki Ani Hashem Elokechem."
All these are just the basic psukim in the Torah HaKdosha that tells us that we need to LIVE the Torah. Not only have it as "part of my life!"

B'H we will open up a tiny part of our lives, if its 5 minutes a day to open up the Halacha Yomit e-mails or simply go to minyan or LeHaniyach tefillin, its all a matter of the little things to push us to become Big people. With this push Hashem will open for us all the spiritual tubes of happiness, health, zivug, shidduch, shlom bayit, parnasa, bracha, hatzlacha etc.

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