Sunday, May 01, 2011

CLD #255

Shuva Yisrael in South Beach.
B'H Mitzvah Gorreret Mitzvah. My previous Chavruta from Shuva Yisrael Yeshiva ( NY,NY: all are welcome, free breakfast after Shacharit 7:30AM, 122 E58th st.>>4,5,6 to 59th ) called me today. Because he learns Torah, he knows the mitzvah of "VeAhavta Lere'echa Kamocha" (and love one as you would love yourself), and just asked about me, how I am doing, what is going on, etc. He told me a drasha that was really beautiful. In the name of Rav Oz Rokeach, he explained 2 halachot and how they represent the life of a Chozer B'Tshuva.
There is a halacha that says when someone buys a kli (dish/pot/vessel) from a Goy who used it in the past to cook non-Kosher food, that person needs to perform Ha'agala, or torching the pot/dish until it becomes red from the flames. At this step, the pot/dish does NOT need to turned red from the fire at whole, but rather should be burned section by section. After this step, the entire dish/pot needs to be dipped into water to make it fully Kosher. 
Doing Agalah on an Oven.
When a person decides to get closer to Hashem and starts returning in Tshuva, he begins the process of Agala, burning off the non-holy parts of himself, cleaning his Neshama from his past bad deeds that impurified him (even though no Jew in the entire world can lose his/her purity because every Jew has a Neshama Tehora). After slowly slowly section-by-section purifying him/herself, this specific Yehudi has to take it upon him/herself in the ENTIRETY to become an Eved Hashem and fully devote himself to doing Mitzvot and following the Torah in its Entirety. This is exactly like the Halacha of taking a pot/dish from a Goy. First we are controlled by the Goy (the Yetzer Hara) and after the process of completely cleaning ourselves and dipping ourselves in a life of Torah, then we are clean and Kosher, like the Kosher pot/dish after dipping the entire vessel in water. Taking this step of accepting Hashem as the King and The Creator is a very high level and only people with a certain zchut can reach this level.
Also with the word "Kelim," dishes, we see a connection with a Chozer B'Tshuva. First of all, the word Kelim has 4 letters that are one after the other in the Hebrew Alphabet, Yud-Chaf-Lamed-Mem, which shows that one needs to Lachzor b'Tshuva by taking it step by step slowly. Also in order, the word Kelim breaks down like this: Chaf-Lamed-Yud-Mem, which in numerical value = 20-30-10-40. What does this represent? The level one goes through after doing Tshuva. First you rise a little, then fall, and then rise much more than before because it is impossible to stay constant and in order to rise again you need to have a huge push forward.

B'H we will all ONLY RISE! B'zchut my zchut to turn 20 today, I just want to say a bracha for all Am Yisrael that we should all look at the good of one another and really help each other to rise. Because you do not know how powerful one little decision is, for the good and bad.

Please do not forget about Birkat HaIlanot, there is only 3 days left to Chodesh Nissan (when it is best to say this Bracha that is said ONLY ONCE a year)!
Today is 12 Days LaOmer, which is 1 week and 5 days.

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