1. There are certain people who bite their nails and are not cautious of doing Netilat Yadayim (without a bracha) after they bite them. These people need to be notified that even when biting a single nail, the person needs to do Netilat Yadayim (without bracha).
2. In the Zohar HaKadosh, it is written that whenever someone says a bracha with filthy hands, he reaceives the punishment of death (Chas VeChalilah). Therefore whoever eats and then has dirty hands, for example he/she has oil on his/her hands, or he/she ate chocolate cake and his hands got dirty, has to wash and clean his/her hands before saying Bracha Achrona. The same goes for fruit after a seuda: if your hands are dirty, you need to wash or clean them before saying a bracha on the fruit.
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