1. After we say "Arur Haman Baruch Mordechai..." (look at yesterday's Halachot) we finish tefillat Arvit regularly. When Purim falls on Motzei Shabat (like this year), we say tefillat Arvit of Motzei Shabat regularly, but before Shir LaMa'alot we say Birkat "Boreh Meorei HaEsh" of Havdalah and then begin the Megillah Process because we don't want to use the candle's light before we say Havdalah (because then it is still Shabat). If we mistakenly remember to say the Bracha of "Boreh Meorei HaEsh" only in the middle of Kriyat HaMegilah, then we stop reading in between passages or prakim and say the Bracha of "Boreh Meorei HaEsh" there. If we forgot completely, then we just say "Boreh Meorei HaEsh" during Havdalah after the full Kriya. One is not allowed to bring the Megillah to Shul on Shabat because this violates the Halacha of preparing for Motzei Shabat on Shabat [which isn't allowed].
2. You need to know about the entire Seder Tefillah: On Purim morning, during Shacharit, we add Al HaNisim during Amidah and don't say Tachanoon. We take out a Sefer Torah and bring 3 people for 3 aliyot to read the passage containing 9 psukim of "VaYavo Amalek..." and repeat the final pasuyk to meet the minimum number of psukim read when taking out a Sefer Torah (10 psukim). We then say Ashrei without LaMnatzeach (up to the paragraph that begins with VeAta Kadosh) and then read the Megillah without the bracha of Shehecheyanu. After the Kriyat HaMegillah we say the final Brachot, "Arur Haman..." 3 times. Then continue where we stoipped in Ashrei and move forward with returning the Sefer Torah. We then say Shir Shel Yom without Tefillah L'David and when we get to the actual Shir Shel Yom we do NOT say "HaShir Shehayu HaLevi'im Omrim BaBet HaMikdash." We add "LaMnatzeach Al Ayelet HaShachar" and finally finish Shacharit normally with Pitum HaKtoret, Kaddish, and Alenu.
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