Tuesday, March 08, 2011

CLD #204

The Meam Loez comments beauitfully on Ester Perek Aleph Pasuk Yud Gimel (1:13): "
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So the king conferred with the sages, those knowledgeable of the timesùfor this was the king's custom, to [bring such matters] before those who were versed in every law and statute"(chabad.org). He explains that when it says in the pasuk that Achashverosh went to "the Sages," he really went to Chachmei Yisrael, because Chachmei Yisrael were known in the entire world for their knowledge and solutions to the world's most difficult problems. Since Vashti rejected the king's command to come forth naked in front of all the guests, she had to be judged for capital punishment or else Achashverosh would lose his respect and honor because the citizens would say he is a weak emperor that cannot even control his Queen. The Meam Loez says that the Chachmei Yisrael answered that they cannot be the ones who will judge his case because of 2 reasons: 1. Because of Am Yisrael's Avonot, we lost the zchut to have the Beit HaMikdash (since it was the same time as Galut Bavel, after the destruction of the first Beit HaMikdash), the Aron HaKodesh, the Orim VeTumim, etc. 
What is so special about these Orim VeTumim (the Kohen HaGadol's Breastplate)? During the holding of this object, one of the 72 Members of the Great Sanhedrin would go up to this holy article and would ask a question regarding a doubt on halacha or a problem and through a code he would receive an answer straight from Hashem! Since we did not have this object, the Meam Loez says that Chachmei Yisrael could not receive an answer with what to do about Vashti. AND 2. They told Achashverosh to go to Moav and Amon to judge. Why? We know that Achashverosh did not want Vashti sentenced to death because he was physically in love with her beauty. Where did all his problems ultimately come from? Drinking. Where did Amon and Moav ultimately come from? Drinking (Bnot Lot got Lot drunk when they thought they were the last humans and gave birth to these 2 nations). Since they came from drinking, the judges of these nations will not be stringent and give Achashverosh an answer he likes.

What do we learn from this? The concept of Midah KeNeged Midah! It is so important and is a huge reality today. We need to know what goes around comes around. Everything we receive, good or bad, all comes from our actions and all are actions will affect us, or our children B'H or grandchildren or great grandchildren.

B'H We will be cautious with what we do and WANT TO follow the Torah in its ENTIRETY and not choose what we want to follow (Hashem Yerachem, I am speaking to myself).

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