Purim is in 30 days BH!!! Cannot wait! With this in mind, theCLD will be devoting its efforts to celebrate Purim by bringing in stories, halachot, and words of chizuk regarding Purim!
Purim falls on 14 & 15th of Adar, and it is celebrated to remember the miracle that the Jews were saved from Haman HaRasha who sought to kill all Jews. The word 'Purim' comes from 'Pur,' or lottery, which Haman created to help him in finding which month to destroy the Jewish race. The 14th of Adar marks the holiday for the non-walled cities and the 15th of Adar marks the holiday for all the walled cities and since Shushan (the capitol of the Persian empire) was walled, the 15th of Adar is known as Shushan Purim.
The four main mitzvot of Purim include: 1. Reading Megillat Ester, 2. Seudat Purim, 3. Mishloach Manot, and 4. Matanot LaEvyonim. Chazal added the obligation to read the passage of Milchemet Amalek after Yetziyat Mitzrayim. They also added passages to amidah and Birkat HaMazon such as Al HaNisim, which describes in short the miracle of Chag Purim. It is also written in the holy Gemara (Megillah 7:) "One is obligated to become intoxicated by drinking wine until he cannot tell the difference between Mordechai and Haman."
From this a question arises: How come in Purim in order to do the mitzvah of being in Simcha one needs to drink and in other Chagim we are not told to drink wine but it is also a mitzvah to reach Simcha? The Rambam explains that one should drink and let the intoxication make him sleep. But at the same time, the Rambam himself explains that intoxication leads to a non-holy type of happiness that one should not reach, including Kalut Rosh and Sachlut. These are words to explain the concept of "going with the flow" and being happy from sin. If this is so why do we need to drink in Purim? The Zohar also explains that Yom Hakipurim, is a day 'Ke' Purim (like). These are days that we act completely opposite in, which one filled with shaking from fear and the other with dancing and singing.
What is going on here?
B"H Tomorrow tune in for the answer.
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