We always look for the easy way out. As Humans, we do everything to take the fastest, easiest route. Why work hard when you could take the easy way out? The answer is your opportunity cost, or not in Economic language, what you are missing out from doing something through its shortcut. Cheat or not cheat? Take the elevator up or take the stairs? Put $50 in tzdaka or buy $50 worth of groceries and hand to poor families the grocery bags? Buy a prostitue or go through the never-ending process of perfecting Avodat Hashem by marrying through shiduch and being shomer negiya (a.k.a. Jewish)? We face these heavy questions many times in our lives. Chazal teach us that a Chacham is one who sees the Nolad, one who sees the End result, the newborn, the baby created from your action, the conclusion. Through every action we do, whether its because Hashem told us to do it and we know Hashem knows what is best for us Humans or because we heard its the best way to do it, we still need to face these questions.
In the end of the day, the entire way of Hashem, derech of a Ben Adam who follows the Torah, is all for our advantage. Hashem obviously sees the Nolad, he just wants us to use the millions of pixels in our eyes (also a miracle in itself) and see that His way is The ONLY way to reach the maximum happiness in our world.
Ex. The Shiduch Way. Its Tedious, Its extremely difficult, but don't you want to be with someone who hasn't been touched by anyone else their ENTIRE life!?!?!? SO PURE, SO BEAUTIFUL!
Bracha VeHatzlacha in all you do!
SHABAT SHALOM (B'H only 2 more days)!!!
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