Sunday, February 06, 2011

CLD #174

The Yetzer Hara constantly tries to pull us down. There are times where one looks at person x who is not in yeshiva or is not involved in the life of Torah and mitzvot and sees that he/she is a good hearted person. Person y, who is most likely controlled by the yezter hara (and usually doesn't even know it) tells himself: person x does not need the life of Torah because he is already a good person. This approach is the wrong way to look at person x because one needs to see person x and say "He could be triple or quadruple the person he is now." 
We can never ever say that we are satisfied with the level we have reached. Where can we see that this is true? With the fetus. At month #6 the mother does not say (G-d forbid) "Alright, now is the right time to have a C-section, Let's have this baby now!" One always needs to strive to a higher level above his/her potential. Everyone's 9th month is at a different level, but we can never be satisfied with 8 months and 29 days. Just like the fetus has a goal to grow to be ready for another world (unknown to the fetus), we to need to grow to get ready for another world (BH it is known to us).

B'H may we have the zchut to understand that the maximum  level of happiness can only be reached using the tools from our Torah HaKdosha.

SHAVUA TOV & CHODESH TOV (Mi SheNichnas Adar Marbim BeSimcha)
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