Thursday, December 30, 2010

CLD #138

The Meam Loez says that a candle symbolizes 2 things: The Torah and a Neshama (soul). When Hashem brings a neshama into this world he tells the person: My light is in your hands and your light is in My hands. What does this mean? The Torah HaKdosha, the light, is in the hands of the human, and the human's neshama, the other light, is in the hands of our Father in Shamayim, HaKadosh Baruch Hu. In order for our neshamot to exist, in order to keep the candle lit, we need to keep what Hashem gave us, our neshama. The only way to keep the light is to keep the Torah, or aka keeping the Mitzvot (staying happy, netillat yadayim, brachot, shabat kodesh, chagim, etc). We are under a spiritual contract: Keep the Torah and I will give you life. Mefarshim say that living a life without the source of all kdusha, without the Torah, is like death itself.

B'H we will all wake up and take advantage of the fact that we are not Goyim through Torah Learning and soon say that we are real Talmidei Chachamim and Bnot Yisrael. 
Bracha VeHatzlacha in whatever you do.
There's no reason to be upset. Ever.
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