Wednesday, December 29, 2010

CLD #137

"HaChaim VeHaMavet ּBeyad HaLashon."
Life and Death can be determined by the Tongue. This is extremely true. This saying, from Chacham Shlomo Hamelech's Mishlei, can actually be seen everyday. The power of our tongue is unbelievable! We can see that we (Humans=Tzelem Elokim) are the only living things in our planet that have the power of the Tongue, speech. Why did Hashem onlyyy give us the power to speak? Why do dogs express themselves with their tails? Why do horses show they're angry with their ears? 
Maybe because humans have the brain capacity, Yehudim in particular, to separate their neshamot from their gashmiyoot, their bodies. We need to follow the way of Hashem and be able to control all the pleasures of our bodies that contradict with our Torah HaKdosha! Also, a normal Yehudi can gain the control of those pleasures, but only through the Torah will he/she reach the maximum he/she can take from these pleasures (food, relations, sleep, smachot, comedy, etc). 
B'H we will be blessed with the understanding that the Torah is our single guide for this world, and then we'll also control our power, the power of speech.
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