Saturday, December 11, 2010

CLD #119


For the last 40 years, almost all Hebrew Mizrachit music speaks about the love between a man and a woman. Recently, there has been multiple songs talking about Emunah in Hashem and Loving Hashem and Yerushalayim. This is unbelievable. Besides the fact that out-of-nowhere there has been so many signs that Mashiach is coming (Yerushalayim's local speed train being built as we speak, Anti-Semitism rising, the Jewish people having control of a country for the first time in 2000 years, More people chozrim betshuva than ever, "Obama" in hebrew featured in Yechezkel Ch 38 in the psukim of gog U'magog and the Mashiach, the signs in the Gemara <Masechet Sota>, you got the point) people are waking up. The most important thing now is to help eachother and bring more Achdut, more Achva (brotherhood) and more Ahavat Chinam into our world. We are only about 13 million neshamot around the world and theres an 80% assimilation rate in America with us Jews. We need to do "Ve'Ahavta Le're'echa Kamocha" and really do the best for the person next to us (it says Le're'echa <your friend> and not Le'achicha <your brother> so Jew/Non-Jew doesnt matter!).

Time to wake up (including me, including everyone).
Do you hear the Geula? Cuz Mashiach is coming BH!

Shavua Tov
Shavua filled with ONLY UPS regarding Ruchaniyoot and Good Luck on Finals for all of you in University/College :).


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