Sunday, December 12, 2010

CLD #120

When a Jew walks down the street, in an instance he can transform himself from New York to Kever Rachel to the Kotel itself! The power of our minds is incredible. Chazal tell us that when someone has the mindset to do a certain mitzva and does not have the opportunity to do the mitzva, then he receives schar (reward) as if he did the mitzva. Another thing (lile there is only one more) that Chazal teach us is the term 'Mitzva Gorreret Mitzva' and 'Avera Gorreret Avera' from the beautiful Pirkei Avot. These two phrases are extremely powerful and true! Mitzva Gorreret Mitzva means when one is planning on doing a mitzva, he is then pushed and is almost literally rolled onto another opportunity for a mitzva. For example, when one goes to do an errand for their parents (Kibud Av Ve'Em) <especially on Friday afternoons,> they usually have the opportunity to help other people with carrying their groceries (Chesed) to their cars, or  smiling to the cashier and make her/his day (VeAhavta Lere'echa Kamocha). The other phrase that Chazal teach us is 'Avera Gorreret Avera,' or the action of doing an avera/chet/pesha (different types of sins) leads us to have the opportunity to do other averot/chatayim/pesha'im. We all need to learn to devise ourselves plans before we do a specific action in order to avoid doing an avera in the future. We all have so much potential.
I hope we can all help eachother out in the future by just smiling the person next to you.
A smile can save a life. 


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