Tuesday, April 16, 2013

CLD #866

Shelomo HaMelech, King Salomon, was the smartest man on the planet and Hazal teach us (our Sages) that there will be NO smarter individual in the history of the world after Shelomo. Out of the 24 books of Tanach that guide our life and make up Torah She’bechtav (Written Torah), he wrote three books: Misheli, Shir HaShirim and Kohelet. In Mishlei 6:6-7 there is a famous Pasuk that millions use to motivate people to do certain actions.

The Pasuk teaches that each person should strive to be like an ant (yes the little insect). “GO TO THE ANT…SEE HER WAYS AND BECOME WISE.” Why? Because the next Pasuk: for she has no chief, overseer or ruler! What does Shelomo HaMelech teach? He explains that there is NO ONE rushing after the ant to do its work. The ant lives for approximately six months and what does it not accomplish in its lifetime?! It doesn’t sleep, doesn’t waste time for leisure activity. All it does is work for the Queen Ant.

Now its Sefirat Ha’Omer and we have officially entered the Fourth Week of the Sefirah, the week that resembles Moshe Rabbenu, who is The Leader and The Prophet for Am Yisrael. Moshe’s week is called Netzakh, eternal. Netzakh also comes from the root of the word to win, lenatzeakh. What makes the ant so special? The fact that it does what it does because IT WANTS TO FROM ITS OWN BEING, There is NO ONE running after it to tell it what to do and how to do it. It just knows that it’s the right thing and just does it.

How much do we need to learn from this ant to want to eternally WIN our Yetzer Hara (Evil it’s the right thing and that’s it! Be’ezrat Hashem we should do the Mitzvot and get closer to Hashem by learning Torah because it’s the EMET, truth of this entire world.
Inclination). No matter how strong the force and no matter how incredibly painful and scary it seems to fight off the Evil Inclination; we just tend to do it because


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