Tuesday, April 09, 2013

CLD #859

Inspiration: A Student of Rav Pinto shlita.
The Great Rashash (Rav Shalom Sharabi ZTKL) said that these days of Sefirat HaOmer represent the way that Shamayim (the Heavens) will behave with an individual throughout the whole year. Meaning the way someone acts during these days up until Shavuot (mid May) will be the way Hashem acts with us throughout the entire year. Rabi Yonatan Aybishitz ZTL (the author of Ya’arot Devash) wrote that during these days of Sefirat Ha’Omer are days that are even bigger than Aseret Yemei Teshuva (the days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur).

This is broken down from Pesakh. The average person receives a spiritual light and energy to understand the way of the world in a new form during the holiday of Pesakh. Pesakh is a time of rebirth (as we see in nature around us with the blooming of plants and trees). However, the catch is that immediately after the first night of Pesakh we lose this spiritual energy and need to work for it to get it back. Therefore, a day after Pesakh we sacrifice the Korban Ha’Omer which is food for animals. Forty nine days later we sacrifice on the Mizbeakh (alter) pieces of bread, which is food that human beings eat.

This symbolizes the change that every individual goes through during the days of Sefirat Ha’Omer. During the Forty Nine days of Counting the Omer we slowly slowly receive this spiritual energy until we reach the level of ‘human being’ that we were at on Lel HaSeder. This is why the words of The Rashash make sense because throughout the 49 days of counting the Omer it is as if we work on ourselves to receive the spiritual energy again and therefore Hashem act with us in a specific way because that is what we deserve.

It is exactly like a tutor teaching a failing student. In the beginning the teacher shows the student previous students who were in the same spot as this poor boy. He shows him a bunch of great scores and exam results. The boy gets all excited and is filled with hope. However, the tutor explains to the boy that he needs to work for a while to reach the same results the other failing students received.

Today is the 14th day of the Omer, which makes up Two Weeks.

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