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Have you ever had an inte!nse desire to do something that is wrong? Michtav Me'Eliyahu explains that a sheifa ra'ah, an evil aspiration, has a remedy to it that does not make sense. If an individual has a desire to do something that is against the Torah's will and Hashem's will for a Jewish life then the Yetzer Hara is going to come in hard to make sure the person is getting on that desire and accomplishing as much evil as possible! If an overweight person has a want and even psychological need to eat something dangerously unhealthy then a doctor might think, just have him go buy a small cookie or a candy snack.
There is also a famous story that Hazal teach about a man that was sick to death over a woman he was in desire to be with. The doctors and biggest professors and scholars of the time told him to just take a peek of the woman, just to have a little taste and the desire will go away. The big Rabbanim of the time said absolutely not. The kedusha (holiness) of Am Yisrael will not be seen as that easy going!
What is the solution? To leave that desire hungry! Do not feed it even a tiny bit. Keep it dying and begging for a peek, keep it craving and wanting a snippet of desire. This hunger is the best remedy for a negative desire! After a while the yezter hara might get even stronger but that is a sign it is dying out and giving up!
The key of success in spirituality is to push for spiritual greatness and NOT GIVE UP! No matter what level you're in, even if you already failed > you go against all norms and stay spiritually strong!
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