Thursday, February 14, 2013

CLD #816

While consuming delicious Chinese food (extra fried and fattening), I witnessed a father explain to his son why he cannot film a video on his smartphone. The father said “I just don’t have room in my memory anymore because it is filled with pictures of you.” This immediately made me think of a concept in Torah that should never leave our minds, for the good and for the opposite.

The question we all want an answer to: how do we succeed in life? The answer is simple: put all your efforts into your goal and you WILL SUCCEED. Here from this small conversation I overheard, one can learn how important it is to fill up their own activity bank or memory warehouse with what they are aiming to accomplish. If one wants to become a millionaire (where it says in Torah related books that being rich is where happiness rests is still a question I have not received an answer to), they should put all their efforts into Parnassah (making a living). Its self-explanatory.

However, the real question is how to connect this to Purim? It is certainly connected and the beauty of it is the connection’s simplicity. We all know that before we have an interview with our prospective employer or college administration representative we prepare for weeks in advance to make sure we are ready to answer all possible questions. However, when it comes to Jewish related events, such as Purim which is 10 days away (can’t believe it!), we are filled with confusion based on what we want to do and what is asked of us to accomplish. We don’t think!

The solution is to PREPARE before its next Sunday morning and we tell ourselves: wait what am I gonna do for Purim today?! When the father told his son there is no room in the phone for a video, he was really bringing out an essential concept: prepare for the holiday BEFORE it arrives. Purim is 10 days away, NOW is the time to open up Masechet Megila, NOW is the time to open up the Book of Esther and learn the ADULT version of the book, not the 3rd grade story we all have enscribed in our system.

Fill up your memory bank with the appropriate messages and spiritual goals for Purim NOW and when Purim arrives and you are filled with red wine you WILL connect with Hashem on a whole other level you never thought you can reach! Be’ezrat Hashem we should reach levels of happiness and appropraite conduct for Purim 5773!

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