Baruch Hashem after a very strong month, the past two weeks
theCLD hit new lows in visits to the blog. We know everything is under Hashem’s
control and no one is questioning the change in visits, so today Baruch Hashem
we reached back-to-normal view numbers and we are excited to continue serving
our audience with engaging and practical Divrei Torah!
Yesterday we spoke about the Beracha (blessing) of Shekahol
that we say many times throughout the day and looked into the small but
inspiring point from the beracha. Today we will see the beracha that takes us into Pesukei
Dezimrah, Baruch She’Amar. This beracha discusses the greatness of Hashem
right before we enter a series of songs and praises, which is a chunk of the
Shaharit Morning Tefillah (prayer).
The point of inspiration relies in the content of the words
that makes up this glorious part of Shaharit. Besides for the fact that it has
a divine orientation with exactly 87 words (taught by the Gemara), Baruch
She’Amar includes words that are truly simple and comprehensive from every
Jewish ear to dwell on. The first couple of words is what we’ll focus on: Baruch She’Amar She’Haya Ha’Olam Baruch Hu.
“Blessed is The One who spoke and the world was created [by His word]. Blessed
is He.” Many people ask Biblical Scholars and Talmidei Hachamim to provide them
with segulot (actions that lead to a spiritual blessing) for Parnassah (financial) success. The
answer to find this success and BLESSING is straight from these words. Blessed
is He! That is it.
Hashem is blessed and is the SOURCE OF ALL BLESSING.
Therefore, get to know Him, find out what He tells us to help us reach success
in life! If we know someone who is successful in life today, all we want to do
is to get close to them and to get to know their tactics and strategy that
caused their greatness (and how they got help from Hashem to reach their goal)!
So how much more so with Hashem who runs the world and knows what is best for
Purim is in 18 days.
donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money
for a bride in need!
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