Sunday, December 30, 2012


Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. An individual who wants to drink water in the shower/while bathing is forbidden to think the beracha (blessing) in their mind and drink because it is forbidden to think of holy matters in a room for bathing. In the room where people undress to enter the showers (where people are dressing and undressing), one is also forbidden to think of the beracha for the beverage because thinking the beracha does not mean they fulfilled their obligation to bless on the beverage and it does not count as saying the beracha out loud (even though in this room one is allowed to think Torah learning). One should simply wait until they dress to bless on the drink outside the dressing room. There are those who are lenient and say one should simply bless on the water outside the dressing room and have in mind the beracha to hold for drinking while entering/being in the dressing room.

2. One who enters to shower in a bathtub or shower needs to do Netilat Yadayim after finishing their shower. However, the Netilat Yadayim (washing of hands) only needs to be a washing of each hand once, unlike washing for bread or after one awakens. One can also fulfill the obligation of washing their hands after showering by running each hand under the sink, meaning even without a washing cup because this washing is just to wash off an evil spirit. This also stands for someone who dipped in the Mikveh. An individual who just enters a shower room to grab something, according to the essence of the law, does not have to do Netilat Yadayim and if he/she does, they should be praised. One who enters a room with a bathtub does not have to wash their hands as well. However, an individual that enters a room with a toilet (even if the room has a shower/bathrub in it), they must do Netilat Yadayim.

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