Saturday, December 29, 2012

CLD #772

This Devar Torah is heavily based on words from Rav Darmoni shlit’a.
Shemot is the time of the exile from Egypt and with the completion of Sefer Bereshit (the first book of Torah) we are officially entering into a mindset of becoming a single nation and getting ready to leave Mitzrayim (Egypt). During the entire time of the exile and the years in Mitzrayim, Am Yisrael was determined in keeping modesty a top priority, or in Hebrew: having Tzeniyut. Tonight also marks the first night of Shovavim, or the time period of the first six Parshiyot (Torah portions) of the second Sefer of Torah, Shemot. Shovavim is an acronym of the first six letters of the six Parshiyot in Shemot and therefore it lasts for exactly six weeks.

Shovavim is all about Modesty and Shemirat HaBerit (staying holy in regards to one's reproductive organs). People incorrectly think that modesty is only about what we wear. This mistake is made often. In reality, tzeniyut is in clothing, speech, the way one walks, the way one stands, how much attention an individual needs, it pertains when someone is alone with Hashem, when someone is in public, the way one uses their facial expressions, etc. Tzeniyut and Anava (the characteristic of being modest) are directly connected and from this we can understand at a certain level that an individual who is not a modest speaker or one who walks modestly holds the poor attribute of Ga'ava, or self pride.

Modesty is like a crown. If an individual looks at a crown it sees that the crown has many parts to it, with each part having room for a certain number of diamonds. When an individual focuses on all the parts of mdoesty (as stated abve such as speech, walk, stance, etc) its like they hold a crown filled with diamonds. Our goal as Jews who are the vessels of kedusha (purity) for Hashem in this world is to work on our individual crowns and fill it up with diamonds of modesty.

However, the trick is to always progress and BE HAPPY even with the smallest step. Even though it is tough to be completely modest in all categories that relate to modesty, taking upon oneself modesty in a single category is greatly looked upon by Shamayim (the Heavens), such as for now working on having modest speech. In Judaism we take everything step by step to reach a complete life of spirituality and connection with Hashem. Be'ezrat Hashem may we all be put on the right path of that spiritual success!

Shavua Tov!

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