The Hannukat HaMizbeah (the opening event of the alter in the Midbar after the exile of Egypt) is a grand story in the Torah (in the book of Bamidbar). In any case, the passage in the Torah that is directly next to this passage of the Mizbeah is the passage on the Menorah that Aharon the Kohen was instructed to light in the Mishkan (Tabernacle).
The story breaks down like this: for the grand opening of
the alter in the Mishkan each Rosh Shevet
(tribe leader) of Benei Yisrael was instructed by Hashem through prophecy to
bring korbanot (animal sacrifices) to fill the Mizbeah (the alter). The only
Shevet not instructed to do the same was Shevet Levi. Aharaon, being the leader
of the Shevet, was truly upset and saddened that he did not receive any
prophecy for any offering!
Rav Pinkus brings in his Divei Torah on Hannakah that for
this reason Hashem came to Aharon and told him: Aharon, I swear to you that your job of lighting the Menorah in the Mishkan
is GREATER than ALL the animal offerings brought by all the Rashei Shevatim!
Even given the fact that they were told through prophecy of the sacrifices, you
lighting the Menorah is the testimony of the Divine Presence resting over the
people of Israel!
May we have the zechut to FEEL Hashem’s Divine Presence
resting upon us this Hannukah. Hag Sameah to all! Only Semahot (celebrations)!
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