Sunday, November 25, 2012

CLD #740

Here at theCLD we look at everything and try to pick up the little messages Hashem is trying to constantly send us to live life WITH Him so we really do have a spiritual time in this world. Today I was staring at a bag of tea for two minutes. It was fascinating, it was like watching two worlds collide so smoothly and efficiently. It looked like there was ink being spilled into the crystal clear waters of the jug, but in reality it was just the power of hot water with herbs and spices.

When a Jew realizes he/she is an actual vessel for Hashem’s presence in our world, they look at their goals and accomplishments differently. Judaism is about letting ourselves become the best vessels for God to place His Divine Presence in. We ultimately want to become the location for Hashem to channel His spirituality and purity into the world. The same thing happens when we place a tea bag in hot water. A tea bag WILL diffuse into cold water, but the process will take much much longer than hot water. We must understand that each and everyone of us have potential to fill this world up with goodness rooted from the Torah.

Only when the water in the jug is heated the tea bag will really sink and diffuse into the water. Each and everyone of us is like a jug of water. Each and everyone of us has the opportunity to heat ourselves up with the power of the Torah by following the Mitzvot and learning the holy Torah and then we actually feel Hashem in our flesh and blood  diffusing His purity into us. The only way we become hot enough for Hashem to do it quickly is through living life based on the Shulhan Aruch, (aka the summary of the Oral Torah), the Jewish Code of Law.

Hannukah is coming up. Hannukah represents LIGHT. Light also originates from fire. The Hannukah candles is another approach of reaching this spiritual heat to light up our hearts to serve God.


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