Tuesday, October 09, 2012

CLD #701

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L, Yissachar ben Yona ZT’L and Haviva bat Yocheved Z’L.
Rav Yoshiyahu Pinto shlit’a writes in his book, Hazon Yshiyahu, a beautiful Derasha on Simhat Torah, the holiday we just celebrated. The Derasha talks about Simhat Torah as a whole. The fact that the Simha (happiness) is generated from the fact that we KNOW that we were signed for the upcoming year for LIFE and not for the opposite G-d forbid, for HEALTH and not the opposite, for WEALTH etc. We just past over 50 days of prayer and learning for ourselves to get stronger and show Hashem we are serious about our Teshuva (repentance).

But in the end of the day what is so important about Simhat Torah itself. After all, we can seriously celebrate any day of the year! The answer is simple. On Simhat Torah we finish reading the ENTIRE TORAH. And then immediately we begin Bereshit Barah Elokim… to show the cycle is never ending. This is the reason why we do NOT have a Shabbat special for the last Parasha (portion) of the Torah, for Parashat VeZot HaBeraha. If anyone noticed, we go straight from 2 Shabbat’s ago, Parashat Ha’Azinu to this Shabbat, Shabbat Bereshit.

The fascinating part of this cycle is the last letter of the Torah, the letter Lamed and the first letter of the Torah, the letter Bet. Together they spell Lev (heart). However, if one reads the Torah in a single setting, from Bereshit up until the last world, Yisrael, they spell out Bet-Lamed, Bal, they DO NOT spell out the word Lev. The only way to spell the world Lev is by continuing: meaning reading the last word and immediately beginning the first word – Yisrael Bereshit!

The only way to really reach Lev, to really get our hearts pumping the way Hashem wants us to, is to continue learning Torah in a nonstop fasion. It is known that an individual does not have to live a life of Kollel or Yeshiva their entire life, BUT every moment not working or doing Mitzvot that are related to the home, a person is obligated to spend that time learning Torah! This is the power and backbone of Am Yisrael, only with Torah She’BeChtav (Written Torah) and Torah She’BeAlPeh (Oral Torah), we will succeed!


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:) These get me spiritualy high for the day! Gr8 way to start my mornings!

Feedback is always appreciated. Be'ezrat Hashem may you always experience real Simha (happiness)!

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