For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L &
Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Rav David Shimshon Pinkus ZT’L has a set of books on Hagim
(holidays), Shabbat, Tehillim, Limud Torah, etc. One of the books (probably the
thickest one) is on Elul and the Yamim Noraim (‘Awesome’ Days of Rosh
HaShanah-Yom Kippur). We are currently in the days of Aseret Yemei HaTeshuva, the Ten Days of Teshuva, the days where Hashem basically holds our hand throughout the entire process of Teshuva (repentance).
These ten days
mark the highest point during the year in regards to Hashem opening up all the
cables and spiritual highways our Tefillot (prayers) go through when flying
upwards to Shamayim (the Heavens). The power of these days are so grand that
Rav Mutzafi shlit’a explains in a shiur that there are 13 tzinorot (cables) that go up to shamayim that one needs to cry and
beg for Hashem to open them up during the year! On these days they are OPEN!
Rav Shimshon Pinkus shlit’a explains that Rosh HaShanah that
just passed is equivalent to what? To a mother and a baby. When a 5-6-7 year
old child wakes up in the middle of the night crying to his mother that he is
thirsty, she just tells him to go to the kitchen and fill up a glass with
water. However, a baby who is crying because his diaper is full and he needs to
be changed and taken out of discomfort is immediately taken care of. Hashem is
like our Mother and the Shofar blasts we heard on Rosh HaShanah is like the
baby – Am Yisrael – crying to Hashem to clean us from all the sins we
encountered this year.
Aseret Yemei Teshuva is the time where Hashem does the
cleaning! There is so much rahamim and
hessed by Hashem’s part that we need to be literally stupid not to take
advantage of such a time! Hashem is calling us and inviting us to His arms – Shuvu Banim Shovevim, return to Me kids!
How can one be so foolish not to do Teshuva and fight the temptations by going
to minyan, eating Kosher food, working on their middot, etc. just to do
anything to show Hashem: “I want to be part of the Jewish people, I want to be
your son/daughter!”
The moment you give
up is the moment the Yetzer Hara wins.
Don’t be a fool.
Gemar Hatima Tova.
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