For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L &
Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
In Masechet Berachot we see how easy it is for people to
become desensitized to the miracles of Hashem. The Gemara on Daf Yud Amud Aleph (10a) explains the
difference between Hashem and flesh and blood (the human). The Gemara flat out
says like this: look at the difference between Hashem and flesh and blood. When
flesh and blood draws a painting/drawing on a wall, they cannot place into the
drawing a neshama (soul), ruah (a spirit), intestines (etc.)!
However, when Ha Kadush Baruch Hu (Hashem) draws a creation within a creation
and places into it ruah, a neshama and intestines, which is what
Hannah says “Ki En Blitecha ve’en tzur
ke’elokenu.” There is no one without You and no painter like You!
The Gemara basically says things we already know. Anyone
with a straight mindset and clear vision sees the miracles of Hashem through
pregnancy. How come from one tiny cell that can only be seen through an
electron microscope becomes a full sized healthy human being that can walk,
talk, eat, use the restroom, create world wars, end world wars, bring peace,
and on and on?! Only Hashem has the power to create new.
This directly connects us with Hodesh Elul, the month of
Selihot and Rahamim (mercy). This is a time to realize the greatness of Hashem.
If He can bring us into this world from one tiny drop of semen fertilizing an
egg, how much more so can He take us out of our spiritual filth and low level?!
There is never such a thing as giving up spiritually and this we see from
Masechet Berachot and the entire Torah.
B’H only Semahot
(happy occasions). May we see Penei Mashiah soon in our days and go through
this month with just rising spiritually and getting closer to our Creator.
Hodesh tov and Shavua tov!
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