Saturday, August 18, 2012

CLD #665

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Masechet Kilaim (Mishnah) is all about making sure one does not violate the Mitzvah of grafting (any form of bringing two different species together to make a new specie). For example, one may not place in a vineyard (making grapes) an apple tree within 6 feet of a grapevine.

One of the Mishnayot in Kilaim is directly linked to a concept that can help us connect to Hodesh Elul on a much higher level. The Mishnah of Perek 7, Mishnah 8 explains that one may place a pot with a different specie in a vineyard. However, if this pot has a whole on the bottom that can connect it to the same soil where the vineyards are planted, they are violating the Law of Kilaim.

Each part of this Mishnah is key in understand the Yetzer Hara and mixing one’s holiness with impurity. The grapevines symbolize Kedusha (holiness, purity, a life of Torah) and the pot that’s making all the trouble symbolize the Yetzer Hara (Evil Inclination). The Mishnah is telling us that one can place the Yetzer Hara in his vineyard. However, if the pot (the Yetzer Hara) has some hole in it where it can enter the soil where the grapevines connect, it is absolutely assur (forbidden). Meaning: we know there must be some form of Yetzer Hara in the world for people to coexist, because after all the Yetzer Hara is what pushes us to get married, bring children, build homes, and we take those actions to the side of kedusha (purity) by listening to the Torah and doing it the way Hashem wants.

However, if we open a hole for this pot to lengthen its roots into our soil of holiness and we MIX the impurity with the purity, that’s where the problem begins! We must know that in order to live we need to overcome the Yetzer Hara, because it will ALWAYS be active. However, we must know NEVER to open a hole for it so it can enter our hearts and do lethal damage.

B’H with Hodesh Elul’s arrival, we will use our physical to enter the spiritual world. This month is a blueprint for our entire year. What will we do this month that will channel us into Rosh HaShannah (in one month), Yom Kippur (40 days) and the rest of the year (bH Mashiah BBA)? Elul is a time of Teshuva. We should stop the Yetzer Hara from entering our hearts and G-d willing begin growing our own grapevines to further bring Kedusha into the world.

Shavua tov.

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