Friday, May 25, 2012


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. A non-Jew or Housekeeper that comes to turn on the light in a Jewish home for the Jew’s benefit solely must be rebuked to end this practice. However, if the light is turned on for the non-Jew’s benefit as well, rebuke is not needed and if one wants to mention something against this they can.

2. A housekeeper who begins to sew a loose button or a button that fell from one’s clothing needs to be told to stop this melacha. If it is obvious that the button/clothing that needs fixing is her own clothing then no one needs to tell her to stop and no rebuke is needed.

3. One’s way of walking on Shabbat needs to be different from a regular weekday’s way of walking, therefore this means one cannot run on Shabbat. In any case, one gains a Mitzvah when he/she runs to Shul or to the Beit Midrash. One who runs to a Mitzvah, even if its on Shabbat Kodesh has a grand reward from Hashem. One can also run on his/her way when there is suspicion of rain in order to prevent from getting wet.

4. The obvious minhag (custom) in all of Israel is to stay up all night on Shavuot and La'Asok BaTorah (learn Torah) until Alot HaShachar, based on the Zohar HaKadosh. The Zohar explains that whoever stays up on this night and learns in True Simcha, is blessed 70 Brachot personally by Hashem and is crowned by the crowns of the Olam HaEmet (Olam Haba). The Achronim (Rabbis from 1500-present) explain that the reason for this minhag is to fix the Pgam (damage) that Am Yisrael did wake up on the night of Kabbalat HaTorah (at Har Sinai). On that night Am Yisrael had to be awakened to accept the Torah, which was a big mistake.

5. One should put most effort on Yom Shavuot to be englufed into Limud Torah (learning), as it says in Masechet Psachim "Half for Hashem, Half for you." Meaning one should split the Chag to sanctify it: half in shul & for limud torah and half for the simcha, the seuda, etc. Rav Ovadya says the best Limud should be learning the Halachot of the Rambam and reading from Sefer Tehillim because David HaMelech (Tehillim's composer) died on Shavuot. Some also say it is good to read all of Megillat Rut without a bracha.


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