Thursday, May 24, 2012

CLD #599

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.

The story of Amnon and Tamar is probably one of the most difficult stories to think about from the book of Shmuel. The story goes somehwat like this: after David HaMelech goes through the entire situation with Bat Sheva (the mother of Shlomo, the smartest person in the history of the world), and is punished  with four decrees of death for his children by Hashem.

What happens? Amnon, the son of David HaMelech who was the step-brother of Tamar, had an intense life-threatening love for Tamar. Even though through the Malbim's Pirush Amnon was allowed to do Nisu'in (wedding) with Tamar, Amnon ended up aggresively bringing Tamar over to his sleeping location and raped her.

Now, let's try to dig deeper into the story. What is going on here? Who are we talking about? The event is clear: it's rape, Hashem yaazor. But still, WHO ARE WE SPEAKING ABOUT?

The children of David HaMelech, the composer of Tehillim!!! Can we even comprehend the greatness and Kedusha (purity) behind the connection of Tehillim and this world? Its one of the books of Tanach, a book that is so popular throughout Am Yisrael. {And it is definitely not a "woman's" book. Connecting with Hashem is for all of Am Yisrael not only for women and that can easily be done through reading Tehillim.} So being the son of David HaMelech means Amnon was filled with Kedusha of the Torah from birth! Imagine Rav Ovadya Yosef shlit'a or Rav Eliyashev shlit'a (may they have a Refua Shlema) being YOUR FATHER! How holy will they raise you as a child? How much more so the children of David HaMelech?!

This shows us the power of the Yetzer Hara (Evil Inclination) and how strong it is! We must never believe in ourselves that we are strong enough to 'fight' off the Yezter Hara, everything is from the help of Hashem. 

Therefore, before all the major turbo times in the Jewish Calender (including Shavuot Motzei Shabbat) the average Jew will always have a very strong Yetzer Hara trying to bring him/her down. Whether it be a week filled with Nisyonot (tests) of anger, Shemirat Enayim (not looking at deragotry pictures/women), happiness, Chessed, Ahavat Hinam (Brotherly Love), etc.; each Jew will have to face something big. Stay strong! A key tip to this is Tefillah (prayer).

Even though Shavuot is three nights away, we can still work to perfect our actions, Care for Mitzvot, respect, Derech Eretz and our overall Avodat Hashem (service of Hashem). 

Never give up and smile, because Hashem is with you the whole way.

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