For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L and Eliyahu ben Norma.
"לב טהור ברא לי אלקים ורוח נכון הדש בקרבי"
Create for me a pure heart, O G-d, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
How clear can David HaMelech be in Tehillim 51:12 to tell us how renewed we should feel all the time to continue in the service of Hashem with happiness and dance?! If David HaMelech, which all of his being was literally for the work of living a life under the strictest rule of Hashem was filled with prayer to continue pushing and climbing the spiritual ladder how much more so should we be happy and dancing?
David HaMelech was 100% pure, even if it seems like what he did in the Navi wasn't all of his intentions were on the levels of the biggest Tzaddikim in world history. If David HaMelech shows that he is not perfect, then why are we so upset and quick to give up on ourselves? Does G-d really expect us to be perfect? If so, then why is there the concept of Teshuva, repentance?
From here we clearly see that Hashem has us fall into the hands of the Yetzer Hara and we get confused to do silly things for us to build upon those mistakes and NOT return to them. Therefore we see from this Pasuk (verse) in Tehillim (psalms) that we all need to feel renewed and jump up in dance to Hashem for creating such a thing as "second chance."
Today was the 14th of Iyar, or Pesach Sheni, "2nd" Pesach. How come? It was a time where someone can bring the Pesach Korbanot (sacrifices) if they missed it a month earlier due to reasons that were not under that person's control. Hashem has so much Rachamim (mercy) on us that he gives us another day to bring the Korbanot because He knows we rely on these physical connections to get closer to Him. We must live a life where without Tefillah and Torah there is nothing else in the world to satisfy our Neshama's (soul) needs. Of course today our Neshamot are so large and spiritually powerful that we think by following society's pleasures we can satisfy those needs but only after we fall into the YEzter Hara's trap we only see how mistaken we are.
Anyway, it is time NOW to turn around our actions and fly into the world of happiness, smachot, derech eretz and overall Torah learning to greaten Hashem's rule of the world. By learning Torah and acting like a Jew we state Hashem's leadership and everlasting power. We are His army.
Today is the 30th day of the Omer, which is 4 weeks and 2 days.
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