Monday, April 09, 2012

CLD #562

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
In the Haggadah of the Ben Ish Chai ZY’A He continues to break down Pesach in remarkable ways.

I hope everyone BH knows the song “Had Gadya,” which in Aramic means A Single Goat that is found at the end of the Haggadah. There is a common question asked during Pesach what this one goat has to do with Pesach and our whole story of Yetziyat Miztrayim.

The Ben Ish Hai explains the reason Had Gadya is in the Haggadah is because the sequence of events that occur throughout the song. What happens? From one situation to the next punishment is deserved and then punishment is not deserved.

For example the song begins with the Goat being eaten by the Cat which is then bitten by the dog, etc. etc. So through a single viewpoint, we see the Cat deserves the bite by the dog after eating the goat because it has done something prohibited. However, who gave permission to the dog to make that punishment happen in the first place? Hashem did not.

The same is seen in the story of Yetziyat Mitzrayim. Hashem did decree upon our ancestors, Am Yisrael, 400 years of slavery in the time of Avraham Avinu. However, the country/ruler who will deliver that punishment was not decreed and therefore Egypt and Pharoah received the proper judgment from Hashem. We learn from here that even if one does deserve some form of fine/sentence it does NOT give us the right to put it into action in our own hands.

One of the lines in Had Gadya include the event where Hashem Himself comes down and slaughters the Malach HaMavet, the Devil. From the Gemara in Sukkah we learn that the Yetzer Hara is the Malach HaMavet and wants to kill us at the end of the day after luring us to do all types of sins. After death he wants to prosecute us in front of Hashem in the court of Heaven.
Here we see how dangerous it is to do a negative act which affects someone else’s well being. How much more so to judge another person. In a time of Chag and Simcha like Pesach 5772, we need to focus on bringing ourselves closer to Hashem through singing, Divrei Torah, Tefillah and most importantly Chizuk.


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