Sunday, March 18, 2012

CLD #545

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel for the Refua Shlema of Sigal bat Rut (just diagnosed with Cancer, Hashem Yaazor).
Why do I go to weddings? Why do I go to Smachot (happy Jewish celebrations)? Obviously the human side of me says: There is amazing food, the caterer is the one that just made a new menu that’s delicious. The DJ they got rocks the best music, he performed in the huge summer trance festival. Did you know the flowers they got were from the Carribeans? Wait, the best part is that the bridesmaids are gorgeous. Maybe I’ll get set up with one of them?! And then we think to ourselves: the Chatan (groom) has been friends with me for seven years. And also its such a big Mitzvah to Lesameach Chatan Ve’Kalah from the Torah. And then also theres the other stuff of making people happy, bringing people out of depression, speaking to people Torah at the wedding to give them inspiration to get stronger and connecg with Hashem. But all this stuff is at the end of our mind though processing. 
Its like if we have a computer, the food, music, dancing, drinks, etc. are all valued like the screen and battery of the computer but the Mitzvot that go on and on are like the empty f5 and f4 buttons on the mac computer keyboards or like the windows sign key on the PC keyboards. Who cares?!

Maybe this is a sign that tells our brains to alert the emergency buttons. Our purpose in this world is to distinguish from the animalistic side of our nature to the huge spiritual side of our Neshama (soul). We are all Neshamot wrapped around in a human animalistic sheet that’s called skin. The Neshama is the engine of our body. It is directly connected to Hashem and we need to remind ourselves at last twice a day during Shemah Yisrael and/or prayer how much Hashem loves us and cares for our spiritual growth. A Jew's job is to put these invisible lens on our eyes that see everything through a spiritual perspective, where we can avoid getting angry because everything is from Hashem through this new view and where we see Hashem speaking to us through what is happening NOW, not only the feeling I get when speaking to Him during Prayer!

It is not enough to worry about our College Schedules next semester, what APs we are taking in High School or what I need to do to get a promotion at my current job; what equal or even more important than that is how am I going to learn the Tefillah so I can better connect with Hashem, who will be the chavruta that will help me build my path to Olam Haba by teaching me Torah and most importantly who will be my wife/husband that will push me to higher levels of spirituality and overall happiness? 

Everything that this world has, or at least everything that we see through our eyes is connected to Hashem, Judaism and the Holy Torah.


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