Sunday, March 04, 2012

CLD #530

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. One of the toughest things to do on our everyday lives is to return a purchased item or to return the status of a transaction. Especially online, forget it, even the customer service line tells the buyer that they have no guarantee on the cancellation of the purchase! Not too long ago I bought a pair of shoes from Rockport’s online website. Unfortunately, I did not pay attention to the size of the shoes and I got a half a size too small. I had to call customer service multiple times, I had to tell them to send me a confirmation e-mail and had to call them back after that set of calls right after the purchase. Anyway, Baruch Hashem they cancelled the order, but it taught me that cancelling an order is not as easy as we think; especially online.
What does this have to do with anything?
Purim is in 4 nights. Four solid nights from tonight Be’ezrat Hashem we will all be smiling in our community Shuls with family and friends (some with costumes, some without) each person sitting down with their Kosher Megillah. In Kedusha, in happiness, in warmth, we will be wrapped in Hashem’s presence of greatness! But if we look at the essence behind Purim’s story its not as cozy and comfy as we think.
From yesterday’s CLD (which is taken out of Masechet Megillah) we know that Rashbi answered his students why Am Yisrael had to go through Haman’s suffering and decree to eliminate us from the earth. What is that reason? After the students explained that they thought it was because they enjoyed from Achashverosh’s party (and Rashbi told them they were incorrect), Rashbi answered with the real reason. 
Rashbi said because in the generation before the generation of Purim they all bowed down to Nevuchadnetzar showing the world that he is “god,” Hashem immediately set up the whole Purim story.
This shows us that Am Yisrael literally decides the future. We decide our own future in spiritual and physical terms. We see here that for that one event, that one day of bowing down to Nevuchadnetzar (even though commentary and our Chachamim, Sages, tell us it was done with the intention of proclaiming he is king) caused months of suffering for the Jewish nation throughout the world!
Purim is a day that is packed with Kedusha, but we cannot forget the terrible state Am Yisrael was in, especially with Haman by the beach sipping his cocktails counting down to the day where he has all the power to completely destroy us. We cannot forget Hashem’s love for us and we cannot forget Hashem’s protection!

B’H we will always continue climbing in Kedusha, because just like cancelling an order online, its not so easy to erase sins.


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