Wednesday, February 15, 2012

CLD #513

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
A Student from Shuva Yisrael Yeshiva helps me understand what Shovavim is all about:
In these final days of Shovavim (the acronym for the Six Weeks of the First Six Parshiyot of Sefer Shemot), which is made up of the weeks of Shemot-VaEra-Bo-Beshalach-Yitro-Mishpatim, it is written in the Books of Chazal that reading certain parts of the Torah (Kriya Ba’Torah) brings back “those events” to our day in age, our generation and our daily lives. What does that mean? For example it is written in Derech Hashem by The Ramchal HaKadosh that every Shabbat the spiritual energy/power that comes into the world is the exact same spiritual force that Hashem brought into the world from the very first Shabbat.
Since we are in Parashat Mishpatim (B’H we will be hearing it Shabbat morning in Shul), it means we are in the final week and final days of Shovavim.

A little background info. After the Sin of Adam & Eve (Adam HaRishon), Adam went to do Teshuva (repentance) by sitting by Nahar Nilus (the Nile River) for 130 years. During these years Adam HaRishon experienced by force (unintentionally obviously because this is the worst sin in the Torah, and this is not G-d forbid an excuse to allow such a sin) drops of seed coming out of him. Because these drops of seed held Neshamot (souls), they all need a specific direction to spiritual completion throughout history (because being ‘wasted’ seed causes them to have certain spiritual damage) or in other words these Neshamot (souls) need a Tikkun. The first time these Souls came to the world was during Dor HaMabul, the famous generation of the Flood during Noach’s time. The second time these Souls came into the world to fix/complete their own spiritual damage was during Dor HaPelaga, the famous generation of the Tower of Bavel. The third time these Souls came down to the world to fix/complete their spiritual issues was during Mitzrayim (Egypt), which is the famous time of Slavery in Egypt. However, in Mitzrayim these Souls were part of the Erev Rav (the Mitzrim, Egyptians, that joined Am Yisrael during the Exile) and were part of Am Yisrael themselves. During the extreme slavery and all the horrible conditions Am Yisrael were in during the enslavement of Mitzrayim, they accomplished to FIX (Letaken) all the spiritual damage that was caused from Adam HaRishon’s time.

So what does this have to do with the final days of Shovavim and the Torah reading Shabbat morning? Because we are reading Mishpatim, which is the final Parasha in the Shovavim Weeks, we bring back this spiritual power to fix all these damages caused from the Sins of Wasting Seed! Look at the power of Torah Reading. Just from listening to specifically this Parasha alone on Shabbat morning (and Thursday, tomorrow), we can reach the completion of cleaning the negative spiritual dirt that was caused from these sins. Another addition that Am Yisrael took upon themselves to continue cleaning the filthy dirt created from these sins is to Fast, called a Ta’anit Yachid (Individual). One needs to take upon himself this Individual Fast at the end of the Mincha Amida (before the final Yehiyu LeRatzon). The prayer to accept the fast upon oneself is written in Siddurim (prayer books). This is a huge thing that can help one do Teshuva and removes the physical from the spiritual so we can reach a spiritual high and connection with Hashem. One final thing for the weeks of Shovavim is also to greaten the Tehillim Reading and Torah learning one does specifically on Shabbat (it is also good to say before the Reading/Learning that “this is for Atonement of Sins”).

B’H we should all always be involved in Ma’asim Tovim (good actions) filled with Yirat Shamayim (Fear of Heaven).

Shabbat Shalom!

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