Wednesday, October 26, 2011

CLD #410

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
I was asked to write a CLD dedicated to the problems of going to your local gym and why one should NOT feel bad about not exercising for religious reasons.
Let’s begin:
We know there is a common understanding among Jews to keep a certain level of Kdusha, purity; which includes controlling the attraction between you and the opposite sex. For a man and a woman to be together, the Torah [obviously] urges for a fiery relationship filled with love, passion and tons of communication. Before and after your wedding night, one is still commanded even more to keep that Purity by Marriage Laws. This Purity sticks to one’s soul ONLY with a constant protection of keeping oneself sexually modest, which means to avoid touching the opposite sex (excluding your spouse, parents, siblings, and grandparents) and distancing from anything impure (explicit magazines, videos, music, places of sexual acts, etc).
For all men there is a Mitzvah to guard one’s eyes. We read it at least twice daily in the third passage of Shema Yisrael: VeLe Taturu Acharei Levavchem VeAcharei Enechem Asher Atem Zonim Acharehem. “…and you shall not wander after your hearts and after your eyes after which you are going astray.” (Bamidbar 16:39, When a guy goes to the local gym, there are woman there not wearing the most modest clothes. Let’s be honest, even the most observant-Jew-wannabe will have a very hard time guarding their eyes from looking at places EVERYONE knows not to look at in regards to Kdusha. So now we see a clear Mitzvah that shows one should avoid going to the gym. Today there are many FREE things one can do to avoid going to the gym. There are many exercises one can do at home, there is your local park that can be used as a treadmill, there are separate same-sex classes one can go to, and if someone really follows the Torah with all their heart Hashem will help them do anything (even something as small as exercising) they are sacrificing for living a life of Torah. In the end of the day, everything is in the hands of G-d anyway, so why would it be difficult for Him to help you exercise in an alternate way rather than going to the local gym?
Now, every Jew has the Mitzvah of VeLiphnei Iver Lo Titen Michshol. “…you shall not place a stumbling block before a blind person…” (Vayikra 19:14, This Mitzvah means one should avoid putting an obstacle (spiritual, physical and any other type of obstacle) in front of his/her fellow Jew. For example, one should not eat a cheeseburger (at least not publicly) because then they make it look ‘okay to eat it’ and make the Torah prohibition of eating non-Kosher ‘light’ in their eyes, like it is not a big deal to go against the Torah, Hashem Yerachem. So for a woman, obviously dressed non-modestly, to go to the gym; she is putting a stumbling block in front of a Jewish man to look at her (even if she does not have the intention of doing so!!!). We just learned a man cannot look at a woman or else he will follow his heart’s desires and reach impurity in one way or the other. So, we see that for both men and women it is prohibited to go to a public place where there is any type of immodesty.

Be’ezrat Hashem we should all have the strength from Shamayim (Heaven) to distance ourselves from all impurities and have the EMUNAH (faith) that Hashem protects and helps the individual who sacrifices for the Torah’s sake. If one really stops doing something for Hashem (but really for the sake of not doing a sin, no jokes here), then Hashem will pay him/her back eventually GUARANTEED. The benefits that one receives from doing a sin does not match the benefits one receives when following the way of the Torah.

Hashem did not give us the Torah to suffer, He gave it to us because the way of the Torah is the most beneficial way to live. If one avoids going to the gym because he/she does not want to sin, Hashem will lead these people to succeed in their exercising need in another way. One should not feel bad about not exercising; rather they should take action and find all the possibilities of accomplishing something by the Torah’s way and be PACKED WITH JOY that they have the zchut (privilege) to choose in Hashem’s way.

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