Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CLD #403

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
What is the difference between Sukkot and Pesach? We learn major Halachot (Jewish law) from the actual Psukim of the Torah where both Pesach and Sukkot are described. Therefore, they are truly similar.
But, we know the Nissim (miracles) of Sukkot do not compare to the Nissim of Yetziyat Mitzrayim and Pesach. So why are they equal? Both in Sukkot and Pesach we celebrate 7 days, with both of them including festive meals and similar Tefillot (prayers). But still, this does not tell us WHY they are equal.
So let’s look at a beautiful Dvar Torah I was told this morning by Rav Meir Akoka from Shuva Yisrael Yeshiva (58th and Lex Ave., Rav Pinto’s Yeshiva):
He explained that both Sukkot and Pesach have something in common. In both holidays we can work on our Emunah in Hashem, because this characteristic can be easily worked on. We discuss all the miracles of these specific holidays at their set time, and look deep in the stories of the Torah and this results in unification of all Jews across the globe! But there is one difference (there are hundreds but in the general scheme there is one main difference). The miracles that happened in Pesach were all on the level of Emunah that is reached from scientific proofs and miracles that they eye witnessed. However, on Sukkot, besides the Nes of Ananei HaKavod (that re-appeared, which means they already existed in the past) which was huge, there is no real Nes that one from Bnei Yisrael SAW suddenly!
Therefore Sukkot is on an even HIGHER level than Pesach. Sukkot is a time to think and introspect in the Hashgacha Pratit (the level of protection that Hashem has for each one individually) that Hashem has for each and every one of us. It is a time of Cheshbon Nefesh (self reflection) and a time to see what we took upon ourselves before Yom Kippur and if we are standing by that. It is a time of Love and Happiness throughout families, husbands & wives, parents & their children, Rabbis & their students, and overall each Yehudi and Yehudi (VeAhavta Le’Re’echa Kamocha & Ben Adam LeChavero).
Unity is the key to Am Yisrael seeing the time of Mashiach.
Sukkot is TONIGHT.

P.S. Watch out today for the Yetzer Hara: He will try to ruin your day or your Chag by making you angry. It is key that one tries to be as Happy as possible on Sukkot because it sets the Happiness one will have throughout the whole year.


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