For the Refua Shlema of Moshe ben Mazal.
In Pirkei Avot Alef: Yud Zayin (1:17) Shimon (the son of Rabban Gamliel), one of the Tana’aim (Rabbis from the time of the writing of the Mishnah), writes that he lived among the biggest Chachamim (Sages of the world) and he did not find anything better than the silence.
What does this teach us? That sometimes it is best to simply be quiet. The book Orchot Tzaddikim teaches that unless one is hearing Mussar or Divrei Torah than it is best to simply be quiet. Silence has power. Even though nothing is being done physically, there is a ton of emotion through a single silence.
Which silence is bad? One that happens when someone needs to speak up, like in a time when a group of people Hashem Yerachem are speaking bad about Person X and no one stands up to say anything. Silence is also bad in regards to waking up and getting closer to Hashem.
America is known as the place to run after materialism and it pushes NOT TO THINK. This shows that we are told by society to simply SLEEP. Not wake up to Hashem and have Hashem become your life.
B’H we all should realize that living with Hashem is the best life, and understanding that without Hashem we are actually dead.
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