Friday, June 24, 2011

CLD #301

Delta announced that it will make Saudi Arabian airlines part of its "SkyTeam." There is a single condition that just revealed to the world: "Jews and Israelis, or passengers carrying any non-Islamic article of faith, will not be able to fly code-share flights from the U.S. to Saudi Arabia under Delta Air Line's new partnership with Saudi Arabian Airlines..."
A lady on Facebook was arguing with me regarding if we should hate barak obama or not. This is just another example why everyone with an Islamic background deep down inside has a natural hatred towards anything non-Islam!
This just teaches us how urgent it is to start Ve'Ahavta LeRe'echa Kamocha and the Ahavat Chinam we need to create for EACHOTHER NOW! Am Yisrael needs to join now and BH the only way we certainly have a point of similarity is with the Torah HaKdosha!
We all are Neshamot that makes up one big Neshama of Adam HaRishon and we all need to push for a higher spiritual level. Only then can we reach the days of Mashiach and really can tell eachother that we have completed the Tikkun Olam.

It is said how Chas VeChalilah there might be a time in the world where due to the Hatred of Yehudim, it will cause a stirking push for Ahavant Chinam (love of Brothers), and not in a time without this Hatred. Sometimes we might need hatred from anti-Semitics to do the job of bringing us together.

BH only Smachot, and theCLD wishes for you a Shabat 
Shalom UMevorach.

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