As Usual, theCLD shows us that we HAVE TO take things from this world in order to teach ourselves about the Spiritual World. I was thinking about writing on a controversial topic of Woman's dress code [G-d willing I will] but since its really late [in regards to Shabat Kodesh] there is not enough time to clearly explain that severity of a Woman's choice of apparel.
However, we can still get a HUGE chunk of Chizuk from an item that is so simple. The Hot Water Pump is very simple. You simply fill up water into the pot and after the water boils from Hashem's help, the Customer pumps the water from the button on top and you can enjoy your hot beverage!
I saw this super complex (just kidding) reaction going on. And I simply reacted "WOW." This is amazing.
We can reach the lowest levels of Tumah [G-d forbid] or spirituality simply by going clubbing or even not doing the simple act of Netilat Yadayim in the morning. We can continue to live our lives against the EMET that Hashem is the one controlling this world and everyone around you, including you, and simply continue doing what our Bodies want.
We can all sink deeper and deeper into our own ideas of "I know what's right for me becuase I know myself," and be more and more self centered, more and more arrogant, believing more and more that we are the ones who know what is good for me. And then G-d forbid {not wishing this upon anyone} something happens that shows we are obviously NOT in control. And then who are we going to turn to?
From the tiny act of someone pumping the boiling water, he is simply showing other people how Hashem is in control. Hashem can take someone from the lowest point of no return [spiritually] and shoot him up in a matter of seconds into the levels of the Tzadikkim, the levels of Happiness and Perfection! Just like an Air pump, Hashem can easily suck out all the levels of impurity from us just like that!
We need to realize that when we believe that we "cannot" do something, especially in religious/spiritual matters, it is ALL the Yezter Hara talking. The Yetzer Hara knows our potentials and the fact that we have the strength to reach high levels.
Do the Right thing. Turn to Hashem and if its really from the heart HE WILL ANSWER!
SHABAT SHALOM. Shabat is the value of 1000 Regular Days of Chol. According to Rav Gutmacher: "Shabat is a taste of Olam Haba, which means we need to grow and change because "I will not be the same person next week."
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theCLD (the Chizuk Line of the Day) is a Jewish blog that provides daily words of inspiration and Jewish law.
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