Monday, April 11, 2011

CLD #237

 When the Yetzer Hara has an opening, it goes in full force. Our job in this world is to constantly let our Yetzer HaTov always be on top and in control of the scene. When our Yezter HaTov does not look for a split second, the Yetzer Hara has an opening to attack. It is exactly like cheating during High School. When the Rav or teacher (Hashem Yerachem, please do NOT do this), turns around or does not pay attention for one second, the entire class already has cheated and everyone knows everyone elses answers.
The same goes for the Yetzer Hara, it begins with thoughts. The mind is the most powerful tool in the Human Body that the Yetzer Hara can use to distract a person into the level of Ruach Shtut (a wind of foolishness) and gear him/her away from the Kdusha, from Hashem, from happiness.
The only way to reach true happines in life is not by eating a lot, not by helping little animals find homes, and definitely not by following your instincts. It is ONLY through the Torah HaKdosha and Mitzvot. When someone throws away the Yetzer Hara and "owns" him by saying NO I am DONE with you! You are not controlling my life, I am controlling my life. After this ends, only then is the person happy from overcoming hsi desires, and then he slowly begins working on him/herself and he reaches a level where everything is clear in life and he/she knows what to do. The ability to have a clear mindset is a gift from Shamayim. Only through the way of Emuna, Torah, Mitzvot, Ma'asim Tovim and tons of Tefillah will anyone be able to overcome the Yetzer Hara.

IN the end of the day its all up to us. Do we really want to be happy?

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