A ring was used to sign edicts and decrees! |
We see Haman HaRasha repeat his piece of advice to Achashverosh regarding killing Vashti and pushing Achashverosh to look for a new queen in Ester 1:19 "If it please the King, let a royal edict be issued by him, and let it be written into the laws of Persia and Media and let it not be revoked, that Queen Vashti may never again appear before King Achashverosh, and let the King confer her royal title upon another woman who is better than she (chabad.org)." We learn that when one wants to do something, he wants it to become reality, and its not enough to just state what you want and let it be, rather make sure the king knows about it and that it will be signed and executed! Haman HaRasha adds in this statement to make the decisions to kill Vashti a decree across the land so that he can start looking for a new queen. We know that the Yetzer Hara wants to do the same thing with us. Not only is it enough for the Yetzer Hara to bother us to get us to fall into his traps of tumah and bizayon, but also he wants us to be depressed, wants us to give up and fall into a deep hole to really let us sign a contract with him to say "I'm done, this Torah and mitzvot business is not for me!" Chas VeChalilah. Haman did the same thing with Achashverosh. He pushed Achashverosh to fall into a guilt-trip trick to sign over Vashti's life in order to gain more power. He said sign this and make it a decree! Fall into my hands, I want to own you, I want you to regret it forever that you ordered to kill Vashti! The Yetzer Hara always sees the potential in us. Especially in today's generation, the smallest thing we do is equivalent to the highest degrees of the Tana'im and Amora'im of the times of the Minshna and Gmara!
The Gmara says that the Yetzer Hara is like a Zvuv, a fly. Why? Because a Yetzer Hara comes to a person who makes for himself/herself an opening to bad in general. What does the Zvuv do? He comes to a little cut in the skin and he opens it even more! The Yetzer Hara comes to openings of a person; when one misses minyan, one doesn't listen Torah, one doesn't say a Bracha, one is lazy, etc. He tries to make everything worse!
B'H we will have the zchut to understand and learn about the Yetzer Hara to overcome his power and stay connected to Hashem Elokeinu forever!
Shavua Tov U'Mevorach!
Happiness is the gateway to the Kdusha, so smile.
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