FIRST OF ALL: SHABAT SHALOM U'MEVORACH TO ALL THECLD READERS. Yishtabach Shmo, Bli Ayin Hara We have officially hit 3000 pageviews in 3.5 months!
Continuing with Psukim from Megillat Ester:
Perek Aleph, Pasuk Yud Zayin - "For word of the queen's deed will reach all the women and it will belittle their husbands in their eyes. For they will say: 'King Achashverosh commanded that Queen Vashti be brought before him, yet she did not come!' (chabad.org)."
Your Neshama after a Mitzvah!
Everyone's happiness in the
entire world combined
is an understatement! |
We constantly try to take all that we have around us and work to emulate Hashem and be examples of purity and B'H nizke to influence everyone around us ONLY for the better! Where do we see this chizuk in Megillat Ester? B'H in today's pasuk! We see here proof that whatever the king does, all the kingdom is bound to follow. So What is so special about this? Where is the chizuk?! HaKadosh Baruch Hu gave us the Torah HaKdosha as a gift, a zchut, a privelage to emulate Him, because when we follow the mitzvot of the Torah, we ultimately reach the height of happiness for our neshamot, which is serving the master, Hashem. Whenever we do something good, give tzdaka, read a commentary on a pasuk, help someone out if they're in a bad mood, stop going clubbing, not eating the non-Kosher gum, and all the other tiny things we decide on everyday; we ultimately become happy when choosing the healthier decision! Even if we want to run away from it, we will never be able to because in the end of the day whenever we do something that is related to the Kdusha, to Mitzvot, to the Torah, we ultimately make our neshamot jump up and down with Simcha Amitit! When Achashverosh receives the comment from Haman in this pasuk that proves that the king is an example for the entire people, he is telling us TODAY in OUR generation that we need to learn from The King, from Hashem. And the ONLY WAY TO DO THAT IS BY FOLLOWING THE TORAH HAKDOSHA!
Am I lost? Who am I? |
B'H we will have the zchut to have the OPPORTUNITY to return to our Father, to do tshuva, to open up our hearts with love AND fear, and to seriously say: All I want to do is to be davuk (glued) to Your kdusha, to Your Holiness, to FEEL CLEAN from all our CHAT'IM Hashem Yerachem!
SHABAT SHALOM. Judaism=Think. Always be happy, because G-d loves you!
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