Thursday, March 31, 2011

CLD #227

Living a life of Torah and Mitzvot and trying always to get closer to Hashem is like choosing a seat on an airplane. Our whole life is like a flight. The only way to get the best seat is by purchasing a first-class ticket. On this plane there are stuartists, captains, copilots, pilots, secret security marshall, etc. } all different types of people fly on an airplane. How do we get away from all the annoying characteristics of the coach/economy section of the plane? With cash money. The cash money in the spiritual world is the Torah we learn, the Mitzvot we do, and the chesed we volunteer for. When we live a life full of Torah and Mitzvot we actually enjoy the flight (our life here in this world -that is in reality a "transfer" world to earn a spot in Olam Haba) and are refreshed for our destination. We always need to remind ourselves that we are in this world to ultimately do one thing = get closer to Hashem. When someone is not following Torah and Mitzvot or not even attempting to follow Torah and Mitzvot, Halacha, etc. he is actually suffering with the rest of the world in coach, but the one who pushes against all lines and goes against nature by being a real Jew, he is actually enjoying the most of this world and the next B'H!
We need to strive to get a seat in first class, and unlike the reality where first class has a limited number of seats, Olam Haba is open only for the ones WHO EARN IT.
Hashem does not want to give us a free seat because we will simply be embarassed. In the end of the day no one likes to get things for free because that comes with a feeling of emptiness. Also, all the Torah and Mitzvot we do is for ourselves, I promise you we are NOT doing Hashem a favor by follwing the Torah!

B'H may we be blessed with Simcha, real love for Hashem, and a real will to start being Jewish.

Shabat Shalom :D.

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1. 30 minutes before Bdikat Chametz, one is not allowed to work and EVEN learn Torah until the end of the Bdika. If someone got a Heter (permission/excused) from a Rabbi to learn, he does not need to stop. This is talking about an individual learning Torah ALONE. If there is a weekly Shiur in a shul and Bdikat Chametz falls on the same night, then the Shiur can NOT bo postponed and at the end of the Shiur someone needs to remind everyone to do Bdikat Chametz.

2. The best type of candle to use for Bdikat Chametz is one with a single wick made of wax. One should not use a wax candle with 2 or more wicks because it does not fulfill the requirement for a candle that can be used for Bdikat Chametz. A candle made from animal fat, lit by oil, or from Chelev (a different type of animal fat) should not be used, but if it is used, this type of candle is considered good enough for the candle requirement for Bdikat Chametz. Paraffin candles, cotten dipped in oil and burnt, and a flashlight can also be used as a "candle" for Bdikat Chametz.

Shabat Shalom!
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CLD #226

The last paragraph we say in Shacharit before Alenu is from a famous Mishna in Masechet Niddah: "Tana Devei Eliyahu." In the publicly known passage, it says clearly "Talmidei Chachamim Marbim Shalom Ba'Olam"=Students of Rabbanim who learn Torah is the reason for peace in the world. More Torah Learning=More peace. With all due respect, the Mishna does not write that an Israeli army causes peace, or politicians, or even peace treaties cause peace, rather Learning Torah causes peace.
In the end of the day whoever who attacks Yeshiva students or simply Rabbis for "not working for themselves" or for being dependent on other people to bring food on the table, are actually going against Hashem.
We need to begin being open-minded and accept the fact that Hashem loves people who do everything for the Torah, especially ones who learn the Torah HaKdosha.
B'H we will have the zchut TO WANT to learn Torah and love Hashem through keeping Torah and Mitzvot :D.

Shabat Shalom!

$170 still needed to complete the Garden of Emunah Fundraising Poject lichvod Pesach! To donate, email Avraham at!

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Continuing with Bdikat Chametz:
1. The custom is to place 10 (based on Kabblah) pieces of bread {each less than 27 grams,which is not considered Chametz, just in case we cannot find them during the Bdika, making it okay to have in the house and keep the house Kosher for Pesach} around the house. These pieces should be wrapped in order for the crumbs not to spread and make the house not Kosher for Pesach. If someone does not place the pieces of wrapped bread it is fine because the intention of the Bracha is to find Chametz that you didn't know was there, not the wrapped pieces of bread. If a family leaves their home a couple days before the Seder to have Pesach somewhere else, the family does not need to put 10 wrapped pieces for their Bdika.

2. It is not allowed to eat a meal of bread of cakes that make u more than 56 grams 30 minutes before the Bdika, but less than 56 grams is allowed. Eating an amount of vegetables and fruits more than 56 grams IS allowed before the Bdika. The shul-keeper of a Bet Knesset who is doing the Bdikat Chametz at his home and at the Bet Knesset on the night of 14 Nissan may eat after the Bdika at his home if it would be hard to wait till the Bdika at his Bet Knesset.

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CLD #225

Smoking is something today that we all know is harmful. In previous CLDs, we have stated that we always learn about the spiritual from the physical; learn about what we cannot see from what we could see. 

In Comm this morning, the professor brought an amazing thought about smoking. He explained that 10 years ago people lit cigarettes in planes, on buses, on the subway, in cars, in restaurants, in bathrooms, on the street, in a college classroom, outside schools, and on and on. However, only today is it weird to see someone light up a cigarette in a college classrom, or on a bus. It is actually 100% against US law to light up a stoge during a flight and "tampering with the smoke detector."
What can we learn from this spiritually?
All about the Yetzer Hara. In the beginning, Yetzer Hara creates a huge blurr of smoke to confuse your sight and what you are looking to accomplish. After sturggling with the Yetzer Hara and trying to conquer it through prayer to Hashem to help us, we see the Yetzer Hara dwindling. If its to complete a project, respect your parents, being happy, learn Torah, not get angry, or simply thinking clearly about Emunah and Hashem, we see all these things are fixed over a long period of time and definitely not overnight. A huge nisayon in our dor is zera levatala. People deep in the Chet of Zera Levatala think that it is impossible to go a couple days without doing this sin, because it is appealing, but after struggling with it, people see how simple it all is.
The same thing goes with smoking in America. 10 years ago no one would ever think that smoking would be banned in restaurants and public places, but today it is just the opposite: it is looked down upon! The same goes for the Yetzer Hara>after a couple of times trying to back away from a speific sin, we see that everyday you are closer to fully overcoming the specific desire.

B'H may we all have the zchut to be happy and be Ovdei Hashem bSimcha by working on ourselves in baby steps to knock over the Yetzer Hara!

Garden of EmunaGarden of Emunah Fundraising Project: $500 worth of Inspiration books to be handed out to Jewish Baruch Students lichovd Chag Pesach! To donate email me at!

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


1. The Shabat before is called "Shabat HaGadol" because of the miracle that happened during the Shabat before Yetziyat Mitzrayim {Am Yisrael left Mitzrayim on a thursday and the shabat before, all of the Am who left, tied a lamb-the god of the egyptians-to slaughter as a korban for Hashem in thanks, and the Egyptians, as mad as they got, could not do anything to retaliate}. The haftarah of Shabat HaGadol is called "VeArva LeHashem."

2. The people who are cautious on the smallest details, say Shabat HaGadol U'mevorach instead of Shabat Shalom U'Mevorach on Shabat HaGadol.

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HaKadosh Baruch Hu Loves Us!!!

Someone wrote a letter to his family:
I would have liked to express myself in Hebrew, but to be sure we can all read it I will keep it English. I feel the need to express my feelings, mainly bc i have a happy feeling in my heart thinking of all of us together, thinking of us growing spiritually and growing in simcha. Also because people in our world today forget where everything comes from, and I love all of you. Hashem is always with us. I'm sitting on the subway and I look around, almost crying to hashem for how thankful I am for being a Jew. We take it for granted. We have it better than anybody, not only being Jewish, I'm speaking specifically about our family. We are loving, smart, g-d observing, nice, well respected people. We are blessed with baruch hashem good looking parents whose beauty fell on to us, this is something we take for granted. We have parents Baruch hashem that have blessed us with everything good in the world that we have no excuse to ask for more. Sometimes it's hard to hold ur feelings in when were upset but we have to be strong and try harder. Aba, you work very hard and we know it, you should know it! We can not forget that in the end what we have left is our family and if we stay strong together nothing will keep us from growing, because we love hashem and we love eachother and hashem loves us, bc were Jews and good people. We must be modest and always be happy with what we have and help each other grow. What makes u happy? Why are we here? Why did hashem bless us with the things we have? We are good ppl and we need to grow stronger for each other. Each of us has tremendous potential and i can see it everyday that we are all trying harder. We are growing as a family and bh it should not stop. Strive to be the best ppl that we are. We have Hashems blessing lets cherish it and do good things with it. Not take advantage but utilize his love in order to reach our potentials and grow strong together. Baruch Hashem we have smachot coming up to celebrate and we should be happy and make them as kadosh as possible. Each one of us should have something personal to say, to take upon ourselves to make us grow better and pray for each other and become bigger in the eyes of  hashem. I love u all and my heart feels big when i think of all of us together and happy and dancing like we are at any simcha. It should always be a simcha always and always bc we shine together. We are special people and we need to be modest and grow in fear of Hashem in love of Hashem and love within each other. I love u all and I love Hashem and while writing this all I can think about is you buba and how good you are and how peaceful u are and without ima and you we wouldnt be anywhere today. I love u ima and I love u Aba. I love u m and I love u a. And of course x. He is becoming a man and were going to have a lot of guests Baruch Hashem. Let's be the happy people we are and grow and move in hashems way. The right way. Happiness, goodness, kindness, simplicity, peace, love, devotion, consistency, community, and knowledge defines the Jewish people and we are amongst those special people and even more so because were are more loving and thruthful than anybody I know. I am proud of all of us. And I pray that we all move only forward b.h in life. Love you all באמת. You are special people and I am proud to be part of our family, as you all should be. I love u! And I love hashem! Let's do mitzvoth! Let's get strong! Let's get bigger in the eyes of Hashem! 

Love you all,

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Monday, March 28, 2011

CLD #224

According to Wikipedia:
There are 2.1 billion Christians in the world.
There are 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. 
There are 1.1 BILLION "irreligious/atheist/agnostic" people in the world.
There are .9 billion Hindus in the world.

There are only .0134 billion (13.4 million) Jews in the world.
There are only .0058 billion (5.8 million) Jews in Israel.

Baruch Hashem in the last 10 years the # of Jews in America decreased from 6.7 million to 5.25 million!
In the last 10 years # of Jews in Eretz HaKodesh increased from 4.9 million to 5.75 million!

We make up only 1.9% of the world and we make so much noise! 
Israel is a little larger than the size of New Jersey.

Rav Darmoni shlit'a said: When something is of little amount, it is considered more valuable. (Like diamonds) We have the zchut to have Neshamot and be Jewish and in the end of the day we all belong in our Neshama's home: Eretz HaKodesh.

Where is home for you? Where is home for me?
We need to wake up every morning and ask ourselves: Is this home?

Hashem's Bayit, the Beit HaMikdash is in Yerushalayim. Period. Do we want to live next to Hashem's home or just live where it is financially comfortable for us to live?

Shavua Tov.

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Amazing Video presented at 2010 Geneva Convention!

Click Here for the: Anti-semitic Arabic Video!!!

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1. Its suggested to bring a large crowd (of more than 10 to say Kaddish) when saying Birkat HaMazon. As said from yesterday's Halachot, we see that this is a big Tikkun for the souls backed in the fruits of the trees and/or bushes.

2. After the Bracha on the Ilanot, it is suggested to say Perek Kuf Chaf Vav (126) of Tehillim, and then "Patach Eliyahu," and then "Rabi Chnanya Ben Akshaya Omer..." to say Kaddish [with of course a minimum of 10 people].

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Hashem gave us hands. Do we kill a 4 month year old baby on Shabat Kodesh with them or do we save a 4 month year old baby on Shabat Kodesh with them?
Palestinian Terrorists=Animals.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011


The Video is in Hebrew, Sfat HaKodesh, BUT it is a must see!

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CLD #223

Fogel Family
Surfing through the One Family Fund website is so sad. It truly shows us how much hate there is throughout the world against Am Yisrael. It has the story behind each of the 1390 People who were killed in Terrorist attacks (including the 5 fogel family members) ONLY in the last 10 years. When we think about it, how many opportunities do palestinian terrorists have to kill Israelis and Jews throughout the world everyday?!?!??! What about Friday afternoons when the Bus Station is packed, or Thursday nights when the Shuk is packed, or in malls, or concerts, or very popular days on the beach where there is no room to move, etc! Am Yisrael will always be protected. We are indeed in a constant defense against the entire world, filled with Anti-Semities and just people who live on murder. We need to get closer to eachother, promote more Achdut (talking to myself) between Spharadim and Ashkenazim, Chassidim and Chilonim, and simply Yehudi to Yehudi. With more love, more tefillah, teshuva, and just care for one another all the gates in Shamayim will open up to our words of prayer.

AND ALL THIS hashgacha from Hashem happens because of our Avot a'h Avraham Yitzchak and Yaakov. As we say in amida three times a day, Baruch Magen Avraham. Because of the greatness of Avraham avinu, Hashem has all the kassams and rockets from Gaza land in "open fields" and in the ocean.

B'H we'll have the zchut to have real kavana in tefillah to say thank you to Hashem for everything He does for us :D. Gan Emunah by Rav Shalom Arush explains that EVERYTHING that happens in the world is in order for us to pray to Hashem.

Shavua TOV :D
Rak B'Smachot

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Meet the 1390 Israeli Victims of Terror in the last 10 Years!

One Family Fund

Amazing Website!

Rak B'Smachot


Continuing Halachot of Chodesh Nissan's Birkat HaIlanot
1. One is allowed to say Birkat HaIlanot on Shabat, but its better to say it on a regular Yom Chol (weekday). Unless he/she has the opportunity to say the Bracha during the last Shabat before the end of Chodesh Nissan because he/she thinks they might forget to say the Bracha (because it is meant to be said during Chodesh Nissan so during another month he/she might forget). The people who rush to do mitzvot and are quick to schedule their lives around mitzvot should do Birkat HaIlanot on Rosh Chodesh Nissan or the following day.

2. One should put great effort to understand the words of Birkat HaIlanot and to actually mean the words they are saying. This Bracha "fixes" the souls locked in the bodies of the fruits in the trees and bushes that the Bracha is being said upon. When saying the Bracha one should ask Hashem to show Rachamim on these souls.

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Rally 12-2 pm in front of NY Israeli consulate!

Memorializing Palestinians terror on Israel. Show your support!!!!
42nd & park AVE NYC

CLD #222

Hope all of you had an amazing Shabat Kodesh :D!

We constantly need to take what we experience in our spiritually dark world and use it to learn about the spritual world. Today we will look at refunds/receipts. When we try to get a refund for an item, it is simple. We simply need to follow the refund policy of the store, hand over the item, and then get the money back. How does the process of Chata'im and Tshuva work with Hashem? The same way. There is no such thing as No Tshuva. Today we can do tshuva and "erase" all our Chata'im that we have done in the past, however, the YEtzer Hara comes in and tells us things like "you can't erase those horrible chata'im you did" or "don't even bother, Hashem isn't listening" or "you really think you can even do tshuva about that chet, ITS HUGE!" Just like we can refund an item at a store, so too we can follow the process of Vidui and do Proper Tshuva. We need to ask Hashem to open our hearts and cry to Him. 

B'H we will have the zchut to want to open up to Hashem and let everything out through tears. We need to pray for thanks everyday that we have the opportunity to do tshuva and simply turn everything around in a matter or minutes of being real with G-d.

To find out the proper way of doing tshuva speak to your local Rav. The process usually includes Vidui, speaking to Hashem, sincere care about doing the chet again, etc.

In the end of the day, it is all about staying happy and in simcha. The only way to become an eved Hashem is through Simcha! Simcha is the gateway to the kdusha!


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Saturday, March 26, 2011


1. In the beginning of the night of 14 Nissan (April 17) we search for Chamotz or leavened bread.[regular bread] with a candle in all places that we usually bring bread into throughout the year. Before beginning this process we say a special Bracha and do not eat until the end of the process and even avoid learning Torah if there is a usual learning chavruta at this time.
2. As said on top, the one with the candle searching for the bread should be cautious not to speak from the time of the reciting of the Bracha till the beginning of the searching process. And it is advised not to speak until the end of the search so the person can concentrate to search in ALL places where there might be bread.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

CLD #221

Thank G-d for Shabat Kodesh! MENUCHA :D!
This Shabat we read Parashat Shmini and because it is the Shabat after Purim, we read Parashat Parah as the Shmini Aliyah and a special Haftarah, which makes this Shabat named Shabat Parah.

What can we learn? We can always learn :D.
For the past Two weeks the world, and most importantly Am Yisrael has experienced tragedy after tragedy. From the Itamar Slaughtering Massacre of 5 Neshamot, 5 worlds, to the Terror attack by Amalek in Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh that took a Neshama of a Tzadeket at the age of 59 at a bus stop and wounded more than 30 yehudim. I have tried to prevent from writing about these incidents but people keep on bringing it up.
Sure it is so easy to say being thousands of miles away, but its the truth: Hashem is The Ruler, Hashem was The Ruler, Hashem will always be The Ruler.

What does the world see? Hashem rules. Hashem is the one in control. PERIOD. We are not in control and we are definitely not in the center of the world. Hashem might have caused this entire disaster (from Japan to Itamar - I don't want to put up any pics - to yerushalayim) just for us to open our eyes and see and feel Hashem. In many shiurim and books, Rabbanim explain that someitmes the only way to wake someone up from doing actions against the Torah and Hashem is through punishment, or Isurim. The fact that Am Yisrael is going through so much (Mashiach anyone? Duh.) is just more and more signs that WE NEED TO DO TSHUVA AND WAKE UP!

b"H we will have the zchut to see and understand and WANT to understand that EVERYTHING IS FROM HASHEM, and He LOVES us! Just like we see Aharon the Cohen be absolutely silent when his OWN @ SONS DIED in front of his eyes by doing what HASHEM WANTS (ultimately), so too we will have the bracha and koach from shamayim to understand everything is EMUNAH AND HASHEM!


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1. We don't say Birkat HaIlanot on trees with grafted fruits (that were "artificially" made using science) because in essence, these were created against Hashem's will (meaning Hashem didn't want these fruits to be created or else he would just create them Himself). If someone already said the Bracha on a grafted tree, we don't advise him of anything. However, if someone is about to say the Bracha on grafted trees, we do advise him not to say the Bracha.

2. The best way to fulfill the obligation of saying Birkat HaIlanot is saying it purposely during Chodesh Nissan, but if someone didn't say the Bracha during Chodesh Nissan he/she can say it in the following month, Iyar (only if the tree still has bloomed flowers and not any fruits).


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Thursday, March 24, 2011

CLD #220

Al Pi a strong Jew from Yeshivat Shuva Yisrael: there is a concept to share the Torah that you have learned and I had the zchut to hear Limud Torah from the book Shmirat HaLashon. The Yehudi, who wanted to be left anonymous, read from the book regarding Lashon Hara that there is a main difference between an animal and a Yehudi. The Yehudi has a neshama, and even more importantly has the power of speech. What does that mean? Simply, that the Yehudi can reach the highest level to reach Dvekut Ba Kadosh Baruch Hu and really reach the Kdusha.
But also what does this mean? That Am Yisrael can also reach LEVELS LOWER THAN AN ANIMAL! How? By Saying Lashon Hara. When a Yehudi uses his power of speech in other ways than praising Hashem and giving chizuk, persuading people to follow Derech of Hashem, etc., he is really going against Hashem.
We need to constantly improve and try to reach higher levels of kdusha step by step!

b"H with Simcha and with reasonable logic we will push for the good using our thoughts, speech, and hearts.

Shabat Parah, Shabat Shmini

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1. On days when we don't say Tachanoon, we usually don't say the Mizmor of "Ya'ancha Hashem Beyom Tzara" in the Ashrei after Amida and "Tefillah LeDavid" because they include words of tzara, suffering. On days of Chag or Yom Tov or Shabat we replace "Mizmor LeTodah" in Shacharit with other Prakim of Tehillim, so you would think you do this also during Erev Pesach (day before Pesach) or Chol HaMoed, but we do not. During Chodesh Nissan the entire Congregation can't mark a Ta'anit Tzibur (fast day usually done for the Refuah Shlema of a friend), but one can do a Ta'anit Yachid [individual fast for a day which is usually done as a minhag on the day of a parent's Yortzite]. In times of Chag /Simcha we do not say "Tzidkatcha" after Mincha Shabat.

2. One should search for a fruit tree with bloomed flowers on Chodesh Nissan to say Birkat HaIlanot which is only said once only during Chodesh Nisan [look in your Siddur for the Bracha]. Women are also obligated to say this Bracha. We only say the Bracha on trees that bear fruit that we eat [ex. Almonds, Walnuts, etc.].

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Just like a flower blooms with the help of water, so too a Yehudi needs to understand that the only way he/she will really succeed and be happy in life is with our source of water > the Torah HaKdosha and kiruv le'Hashem.

Shabat Shalom :D

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Are we in the center of our world? Sometimes we just need to step back and realize where we are.
Shabat Shalom :D.

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CLD #219

Today's CLD is l'yilui nishmat the 59 year old woman who was murdered today in the terror attack in Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh and for the Refua Shlema of all the wounded.
You are what you eat.
As a child, how many times have you heard that? Probably hundreds.
Going through the metamorphosis of getting closer to Hashem and sacrificing more and more, people see clarity and simply Hashem in everything they do. The best part of it is the fact that everyday is different. You might be doing the same thing everyday, but you have a more fresh view point of what you are doing every time you wake up with Modeh Ani.
Regarding Kashrut, which is seen in this week's Parasha, Parashat Shmini [ also my Bar Mitzvah parasha :D ], we see how detailed Hashem is when giving us the Torah HaKdosha.
In a previous CLD, we focused on the process of everything in our world trying to reach a higher point. From Domem > Tzomeach > Chai > Medaber. Rav Levy shlit'a added a 5th element. The level of the Yehudi! When we are children, regarding Halacha, a child can "basically" break Shabat because he does not have the mental capability to take in what he is doing and it does not impact in who he/she will become as a Neshama + Guf in the future. HOWEVER, it is not the same with Kashrut. Halacha explains that when a child is about to eat non-Kosher food, the parent needs to stop it no matter what, because the food becomes part of him. 

B'H we need to start taking everything that is around us and everything we know and connect it to the source of all life, to Hashem, the Torah HaKdosha and Mitzvot altogether. b'H may we all have the zchut to open our eyes and our hearts, because in the end of the day G-d exists and there is nothing we can do about it.

A big concept that changed my life is the tiny bit of understanding I received in yeshiva when Rabbanim explained that when a Jew goes through Tefillah, Mitzvot, Limud Torah, etc. he/she is only doing a favor for themselves, Hashem can care less what we do. In the end of the day its all for our benefit. Hashem does not need our tefillot, He does not need our limud Torah, and does not need our money.

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1. All of Chodesh Nissan we do not say Tachanoon and Vidui in Tefillah because the entre month is filled with days of simcha and kdusha. On Rosh Chodesh Nissan , the Mishkan was ready to be used for korbanot and the 12 Shvatim Leaders each brought a korban everyday making up the first 12 days of Nissan Yemei Chag (days of holiday). Then the 13th of Nissan was also established as a Yom Chag, 14-22 Nissan is Pesach, and the final days of Nissan is dedicated to the future holiday in the times of Mashiach (BB'A). With this knowledge, we see the reason why Tachanoon is not said during the whole month of Nissan.

2. A recommended Minhag to follow during the first 12 days of Nissan is to listen to the 12 parshiot regarding the 12 Nesi'im and their korbanot (one parasha, passage, per day). Each nasi [tribe leader] had spiritual intentions to bring more shefa [benefitial spiritual force] into the world to help his Shevet [tribe] when bringing his korban. The same shefa intended by each nasi is brought into the world in our times also! Ex. Yehuda's Nasi gave a Korban on Rosh Chodesh Nissan with the intention of his korban resulting in a certain type of shefa coming into the world, so too Rosh Chodesh Nissan (IN A WEEK). Its also suggested to give tzdaka after the reading of each Nasi korban [sacrifice offering] throughout the 12 days.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

CLD #218

On the phone with a strong incredible Jew, he told me about his mitzvah he was currently doing: Kibud Av Ve'EM. I told him I need to write theCLD for today. He explained to me that he was simply getting groceries for his mother. I told him "I got it," and he responded: "You're definitely going to write about Kibud Av ve'Em and its importance and value." Nope! What can we learn from groceries? Obviously, we go out of our way everyday for our bodies. When reading about the creation of living things, when the Torah reached Adam HaRishon, the word VaYitzer, created, has 2 Yud's instead of 1 that appears in every other creation. What do Mefarshim learn from this? That Hashem miraculously created man with 2 major opposites: the Guf and the Neshama together to form 1 human. Back to groceries: Everyday we run after our body's desires: sleep, food, bathroom, excersize, music, etc. What do we do for our Neshama?!?! Baruch Hashem today we can use all the things we have for our Guf and transform it to benefit our Neshama: sleep to gain energy to learn torah, eat to gain energy to do chesed, bathroom just to say Birkat Asher Yatzar and thank Hashem for the ability to excrete, music to give us more Simcha to be better Ovdei Hashem, etc. 
B'H we will all have the zchut to feed our neshamot and provide it with daily groceries of Torah, Mitzvot, Ma'asim Tovim, Chesed, etc. just like we feed our guf with daily groceries.

Mitzvah Gdola LeHiyot B'Simcha!

If anyone has trouble spiritually and wants help, they should buy this book! 
It has saved neshamot throughout the globe :D.

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1. We learn the halachot of Pesach 30 days before Chag Pesach, because the "goal" of these upcoming days is to get ready for Pesach. And for everyone in general, there is an obligation to know halachot so when Joe The Tzadik asks you a question regarding halacha, you will have the exact answer clearly to give.

2. Chodesh Nissan is the head of all months (where we begin counting the year in Tishrei but first month is Nissan). What is the whole power/source/energy of Chodesh Nissan? The Nes of Yetziyat Mitzrayim, which is where the hashgacha pratit (security) of Am Yisrael was revealed, where the Resha'im are punished and the Tzaddikim are rewarded [just like Paroh and his army drowned and Am Yisrael was saved].

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Monday, March 21, 2011

CLD #217


Pasuk 2:7 - "(Mordechai) who had been exiled from Jerusalem with the exiles that had been exiled along with Jechoniah, King of Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, had sent into exile. ("
It is not a coincidence that the Purim Learning Series has reached the pasuk regarding Yerushalayim in Megillat Ester on the day that Yerushalayim celebrates Purim! Nothing is a Coincidence!
The Targum of this Pasuk explains that Mordechai and Ester were both from the time of the Churban of the first Beit HaMikdash! That means that they were older than (at least) 65 years old in the time of the Nes of Purim! The Targum explains that they were exiled by Nevuchadnetzar HaRasha from Yerushalayim after the Churban of Bayit Rishon and then attempted to go back to Yerushalayim to build another Bayit for Hashem and Nevuchadnetzar exiled them again!
This teaches us the way of a REAL JEW! We also need to get back up. Whenever we fall, the Yetzer Hara tells us how low we are spiritually and wants us to sink lower into depression and sadness from falling spiritually (Rav Ofer Erez)! We always need to push to “get back on the horse!” We say in Korbanot: “Kaveh El Hashem Chazak VeYa’ametz Libecha VeKaveh El Hashem.” Why does it say Kaveh El Hashem…and then VeKaven El Hashem? Because our whole lives is always a push to continue with the Kdusha and push forth. Just Like Ester and Mordechai pushed to go back to Yerushalayim, we constantly need to push to reach a higher level fo Kdusha!

BH we will always do more, because as one of my Rabbis also says: “we can always do more!”

p.s. for all those not celebrating today, you do not say Tachanoon in tefillah!

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1. It’s a Mitzvah to give tzdaka to two poor people on Purim Day. If one gives money, cooked food, or anything food related as Matanot LaEvyonim, he does fulfill his obligation of Mitzvat Matanot LaEvyonim (obviously it should be done on Yom Purim). A person who is Yere Shamayim (has fear of Hashem) should give tzdaka with a positive outlook from the heart.

2. A poor person receiving Matanot LaEvyonim in Purim can do whatever he/she wants with the money, including buing Sifrei haKodesh and the like. This person does not have to use the tzdaka money given by the Gabai for Seudat Purim.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

CLD #216


The next pasuk, which is famous, in the Megillat Ester learning introduces the famous Mordechai. 
"There was a Jewish man in Shushan the capital, whose name was Mordechai, son of Yair, son of Shim'iy, son of Kish, a Benjaminite. ("
Names is a huge concept in Yahadut and throughout the Megillah we see beautiful hints regarding Names:
The pasuk itself changes the pronunciation of Mordechai, calling him MarDochai. The Gemara expains that Mordechai can also be said as “Mor Dror.” What is “Mor Dror?” Head of all Spices. Just like Mor Dror is head of all spices, so too Mordechai was the Head of all the Tzadikkim in his time.
Haman’s name is also special: In Gematriya, Haman is 95. In the Pitum HaKtoret in the Beit HaMikdash that was filled with 11 main spices had a single spice that smelled terrible, but without its addition the Ktoret would not be complete. This spice is the Chelbona. The Gematriya of Chelbona is also 95, like Haman. We see that in everything there has to be some type of negativity! Without our Yetzer Hara, our Evil Inclination, we would not have the drive to continue living a normal physical world and reproducing and eating and excersizing, etc. We also work to have the Yetzer Hara push us to good and really become our Yetzer HaTov.
Ester’s name is huge, as you can imagine. Her name alone means hidden. Hashem’s name is hidden in the Megillah, the concept of Hashem saving us is also hidden in the Megillah, the entire story stage by stage alone does not seem like anything special, etc. What is Megillat Ester? The word Megillah comes from the word Megaleh, or to reveal. The word Ester can be broken up in Aleph and then Seter. Aleph means to teach and who is The Ultimate Teacher? Hashem. The whole idea of Megillat Ester is to Legalot, to reveal, that Aleph, Hashem, is in all the Seter, in all the hidden, in our world (world=Olam in Hebrew, Olam comes from the word Ne’elam or inexistent). We try to find Hashem even in the places where we think He “does not exist.”
The final name we will look at is Achashverosh. The Gemara simply explains that Achashverosh is Ach Shel Rosh, the brother (not literally) of Rosh. Who is Rosh? Sefer Daniel from Ktuvim shows from a pasuk that Rosh symbolized Nevuchadnetzar. So Achashverosh is really as evil (like brothers) as Rosh, Nevuchadnetzar.

We think we know so much, but the deeper we dig into the world and its meaning the more we know we don’t know.
There is no such thing as coincidence.

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CLD #215

"Then let the girl who finds favor in the King's eyes become queen in Vashti's stead." The plan pleased the king and he acted accordingly. ("
The next pasuk in the Megillah Series explains the last pasuk regarding the idea to bring beautiful young women (beautiful in the king’s eyes) of the kingdom to Achashverosh to replace Vashti with. The pasuk says the Davar was Good in the Eyes of the King after the advice was given.
What can we learn from these words: “In the Eyes of the King.” Hashem in Shamayim with all his rachmanoot on us gave us the Torah HaKdosha with all its mitzvot, chesed, kibud av ve em, midot, etc. As we know, the Megillah does not have Hashem’s name in it, and many mefarshim explain that whenever it says king (referring to achashverosh), the Megilah is really implying Hashem in Shamayim. So here we see that when it says the Davar was good in the eyes of the king, it really is implying that when Hashem will decide what is beautiful in HIS eyes, then it will be good in His eyes. What does this have to do with us?
Something is ONLY good when it is good in the eyes of Hashem. We need a some type of permanent ink to inscribe this in our hearts. 90% of the time, our instincts are against Halacha and is not in line with what is written in the Torah, Gemara, etc. We need to begin to realize that its NOT what we think is good, but in fact ONLY what HASHEM THINKS IS GOOD. Because who knows you better: Hashem who created you or yourself? This also helps us work on our midah of arrogance that we all need to work on :D.

Hopefeully we will all have a Chag Sameach as it is written – Ivdo Et Hashem BSimcha. The real Avodat Hashem is with Simcha, because Simcha is the gateway to the Kdusha.

From yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh,

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